
  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 1

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 1
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2005)

    When quality is associated with patriotism, the horizons of transformation in all its dimensions and goals become the basis for the holistic construction of the tributaries of life, foremost of which is the tributary of education, as it is the essence of planning processes related to management levels within the educational institution and within every economic, social and other institution. To manufacture and present it to society and the state through the outputs, this talk will not be of great benefit unless it leads to the creation of a new vision that can be adopted and approved in the updates that a healthy and appropriate environment is supposed to provide many of its elements to achieve maximum utilization of energies, capabilities and human and material resources without Eliminate creativity and innovation.
    In this context, it should be recalled the necessities of integration between universities and their scientific and educational programs and curricula... When the base of integration begins to enter the stage of growth, and when manifestations of maturity and completion begin to appear in university circles, the requirements for success increase more than before. This development and this transition from the early stages to the stage of integrative growth constitutes a major challenge to the leadership mind of educational institutions, whether it is related to formal frameworks or to informal frameworks. On the path of assuming the joint responsibility that was and still is based on the enthusiasm and rapprochement of the workers in the administrative leadership and the non-stereotypical efforts they have been developing and exerting, provided that these efforts turn into innovative patterns applicable to the advancement of reality and the realization of the public interest of the university and its creative needs, as well as education and its outputs in accordance with the needs of society and the market together.
    * Since the university is a source of radiation for the individual and society, every scientific and educational step is very similar to the social, political and developmental steps within the framework of the holistic view to maximize the size of the material and moral gains and values achieved by the university, because the need of life imposes the presence of analytical forms of social and economic reality dealing with the formation and development of strategies Which is based on the university's knowledge of its capabilities and capabilities and its understanding of the circumstances surrounding it.. According to this development, we see that the intensity and acceleration of developments nationally, regionally and internationally in this field or that, pushed or even dictated the university to be a living and active part in environmental, social, economic and ethical issues and in developing a set of Standards and controls that complicate the processes of intellectual and practical cross-pollination, and thus link the overall goals of the university to the procedures and decisions taken by the state and community organizations on the other hand. On this basis, the existence of a strategy based on sound standards in light of these circumstances and conditions will play an increasingly important role in life, as this strategy will be like a radar that indicates the university to the right and balanced directions or the pillar that maintains its balance, stability and growing development in upgrading the tributaries of life, including tributary 

    Democracy... And we can say that the primary goal of the university was and will remain to achieve communication and communication between all the activities of society and its institutions and to advance them, and this matter has been proven true because it is an effective method to reach a general consensus on the goals, values and national identity of the university...
    So...the university is a focus of new innovations and pioneering laboratories in the field of interlocking between the front edges of science and the sectors of work and society at the national level as a whole, in a way that guarantees security, safety, prosperity and development... And if the lists of university goals deal with the university's identity and its basic performance goals, then the role that The university plays it in this time to build and promote democratic values, no less accurate and clear than the organizational and practical goals on which the university institutions and performance measurements are based, especially those levels of performance that can be measured, estimated and tested.
    We can point out here that democratic development has never been associated with or stemmed from influences outside the community, but rather it is an interactive and close reality between human awareness and maturity and the vision of the leading mind and its management of the affairs of the country and the people, starting from several facts in the forefront of which are:
    1- Proper management is the basis for the success of any society seeking to achieve certain goals.
    2- Management is the main incentive for humanitarian efforts, the orchestrator and organizer of these efforts and their human and material elements.
    3- Management is the focus of major activities, orders and decisions, and the focus of individuals to receive, accept and implement decisions.
    4- The supreme administration of the state considers man to be a supreme value in society, as the goal and the means together. Therefore, the administration works to achieve the objectives of the human being when he is its goal, and to achieve the goals of the state when he is its means.
    • Then the topics of the magazine take us to the Yemeni folklore and the enrichment that fashion lovers control, groups and individuals within the community or within the political, cultural, social, economic and other elites.. Fashion and its diversity is a living element of the national identity of man. It has been successively cared for and cared for by generations after generations in order to preserve the touches of history, and to fulfill the ancestors and the traditions, values and inherited that strengthen the social, moral and management bond in all affairs and tributaries of life, while interacting and adapting to the developments of the times without copying the fashion of history and the ancestors or being copied from others. What harms and weakens the link of communication with identity and personality, without which a person remains and becomes, or is about to become, in the absence of grief.

    • And if we cherish the heritage and originality and seek to deepen them in the souls of the youth and the young in order to be straight and inseparable from the chain of time stages of the generations of Yemen and the nation, then what is left by any strange development in the human psyche will only be in the interest of the present or the future alike, especially since Yemen and the Arab nation in general have been chosen by God to play great historical roles. Others have benefited from it and drawn lessons, meanings and lessons from it.. On this basis, any strange situation imposed on our reality cannot serve our lives.

    And our reality, but it will be elements of demolition of our national and national specificity, whether in terms of education and education, their trends, and their outputs, and this is what we must alert to and warn of now and in the coming time, so that we do not run like a herd, to normalize with an imposed reality that is even alien to the body of the nation in everything. The impact left by the so-called normalization promoted by some is nothing but a disease intended to harm the nation and make it (the base) incapable of advancement and responsible disposition of its resources and the elements of its spiritual, material, historical and human strength. The nation, especially in the behavior of its ruling regimes, as well as the infernal industry that the enemies have prepared for it and prepared for it for decades, in making the factors of strength in the nation its weakness, exploitation, destruction and tearing.. Nevertheless, in this article we evoke the old saying: What wronged you was not going to befall you. And whatever afflicted you was not going to miss you, and know that victory and success come with patience, that relief comes with distress, and that with hardship comes ease.

    • When planning is one of the functions and tasks of the state and a necessity to manage its affairs, at the same time it is considered an essential stage of the stages of integrated and comprehensive management and represents a period of thinking, management and comparison between the different methods and ways of working in the direction of correcting and choosing the best and most appropriate with the available capabilities and the nature of the goals desired to be achieved .. planning The economic and administrative is linked to collecting facts and information that help define actions and approaches to paths of change and reform that are commensurate with each stage and according to the development of society and capabilities. It is isolated from planning and its human and material requirements, as it is an intellectual and objective work that seeks, without stillness, to choose appropriate alternatives (solutions) to solve specific problems and bottlenecks from among a group of alternatives available to the decision-maker through the use of clear and specific criteria and in a manner consistent with the internal and external conditions that impede the process. State and society.
    Within this vision, the reader finds one of the topics dealing with the economic and administrative reform pursued by the state in the context of the developments that impose themselves, provided that this is done in a coherent and homogeneous manner under a clear structure that ultimately leads to achieving the specific goals of economic development and what is intended by the adopter. The decision maker.

    • Then the topics of the magazine meander us to deal with the nostalgia of the people of Andalusia for their homeland after their emigration from it in a historical and moral context integrated in perception, behavior and narration, which makes us in an emotional presence with the people of Andalusia and what befell them and their right of severe harm and damage during the Crusades and the accompanying destructive behaviors and deviations committed by the Crusaders Against the sons of Islam from the Arabs and others.

    • Queen Arwa's journal also contains some summaries of master's theses that were discussed at Queen Arwa University, for the reader to benefit from and learn about the levels of scholars among postgraduate students from Yemen and the great Arab world.• Queen Arwa's journal also contains some summaries of master's theses that were discussed at Queen Arwa University, for the reader to benefit from and learn about the levels of scholars among postgraduate students from Yemen and the great Arab world.

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 2

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 2
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2006)

    Since the university started issuing the (University Journal) as a peer-reviewed scientific journal to document the discreet scientific and educational work, and to publish scientific research for researchers in order to achieve the greatest possible amount of distinguished scientific service, researchers continue to follow up on new publications and submit research after research for publication in the journal.
    With this communication, those in charge of this work continue to feel its importance in the process of scientific research in Yemen, and it is a work that is characterized by two characteristics: the first of which is for this effort is a key to the experience of scientific research and benefiting from the pens of its experts and writers in the field, and the second is the transfer of research and experiences to their natural horizons in universities and centers Arabic research in it, and therefore to the reader and researcher wherever he is.
    And if scientific research in its comprehensive manner does not mean confining it to one aspect of the different spheres of life, then our method in the journal is training on research concepts and generalizing it, which is what is called research and field training and publishing its results.
    So the second issue of the journal will be issued with the intention of creating a link between higher education and its research aspects related to the Yemeni and Arab society, and this link aims to break the spatial and temporal monopoly of scientific research, and by spatial monopoly we mean that it is not limited to Yemen only, and that the temporal monopoly is not limited to a specific educational function or For researchers only.
    Thus, this link becomes directed to all researchers and those interested in various aspects of economic, political and social development, which is the essence of our mission in this journal.
    In issuing the second issue, the university did not fail to be guided by the previous experience and the experiences of other research universities. Here, our efforts are concentrated to serve the Arab community in overcoming the problems of development in its broad sense and the relationship of scientific research to it.
    This magazine, while keeping pace with the message of scientific research, will not be limited to publishing scientific research that provides researchers with pathways and paths to carry out their research, but will be concerned with moving to the research field to provide those responsible for planning for development and scientific research with ways of evaluation, as well as providing them with the information and studies they need clearly, transparently, freely and with what can make their decisions.
    And if the journal succeeds in being a mediator between researchers and decision-makers, then it will have succeeded in forming a working mechanism that is all that the researcher needs, which is for his idea to reach analysis and application, and as we need to issue a distinguished session, we will also have succeeded in laying a building block of scientific research and consolidating The relationship between researchers at the university and researchers in Arab universities. Perhaps it is fortunate that the second issue of this journal will be issued at the beginning of the academic year 2007. In this regard, we can only thank everyone who contributed to the submission of this work and to everyone who participated in writing the research for this issue. .
    God grants success.

    Prof. Waheeba Faree


  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 3

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 3
    Vol. 3 No. 3 (2008)

    Dear readers of the magazine: intellectuals, researchers, and academics, Queen Arwa University, the university that publishes this magazine (Queen Arwa Magazine), has decided for itself, since its inception in 1996, to follow the path of quality and qualitative work, and this magazine, in its third issue, is nothing but one of the scientific means. Which contributes to making the choice of quality a reality. The magazine, represented by its editorial board, in accordance with this option, senses the duty and works to understand the course of local, national and global events, and communicates with researchers and scholars interested in contemporary issues, and who have characteristics that meet the magazine’s choice, goals and aspirations, and urging them to address the basic issues that reflect the concerns of their local and regional community. It also communicates with prominent researchers from the Arab countries to contribute their visions and experiences in addressing national issues, because we are all in the same boat, and because the current practical language of the era is the language of unity and unity.

    It is worth noting that this study, Jewish Papers, which is in our hands, presents to the reader serious scientific studies that have gone through stages of careful criticism and scientific examination, and have been approved twice: It was approved the first time, due to its suitability for publication, and in fact it has been published in high-level scientific journals. It was approved the second time, when it was subjected to scientific arbitration, in order to judge the prudence of its methodology and the scientificity of its content, at the hands of prominent scholars and thinkers with a high scientific reputation, including, for example; Professor Dr. Shibl Badran.

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 4

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 4
    Vol. 4 No. 4 (2009)

    It is our pleasure to meet the dear reader in the fourth issue of the Journal of Queen Arwa University. The journal has sought, since its first issue, to be a window for all scholars and researchers from all universities of the Arab and Islamic world, through which they reach out, with their scientific output, to all researchers and those interested in Various fields of science in the Republic of Yemen.
    We often talk about the necessity of adopting and encouraging science, as the basic prelude to the renaissance of nations, and we forget, in the midst of our discourse on the adoption of the reasons for renaissance, that scientific research does not come with invitations, speeches, and extreme enthusiasm for it, but rather it is the result of a general culture rooted in society. The reality of Arab societies, without exception, lacks such a culture, and at the same time possesses the culture of dreaming about supporting, encouraging and stimulating science. And if we traced the rhetorical and practical activities of scientific institutions (universities and government ministries related to what might be called “science”), we would find many, many events and activities indicating the support and encouragement of science, but in fact the matter is not far from the circle of intense yearning and overwhelming desire for there to be science.

    Despite the importance of studies and research published by Arab scientific journals and periodicals, which are few, they are not science in the strict sense of the word, but rather a basic introduction to science, as they ultimately lead to the emergence of science (theorizing) in various fields. In order for these sciences to be produced, there must be a scientific environment that enables scientists to disseminate their scientific and knowledge products.
    Those working in the field of science and knowledge production often suffer from the inability to publish what they produce, because the priorities of their daily lives conflict with the publication of their scientific production. Arab periodicals, and Yemeni ones in particular, lack financial support
    Accordingly, it does not accept studies and research for publication, due to its scientific importance, but rather accepts it in return for money (arbitration fees), so that it can continue to appear. The other thing is that most of what is published in these journals is research carried out by their owners for the purpose of academic promotion only. This type of study cares more about the scientific form than its interest in the science itself, and the reason for that is due, and very simple, to the fact that scientific work needs a lot of financial spending, and this is what our Arab researchers, and Yemenis in particular, do not have.
    And through these few words in the editorial of this issue, we call on all those in charge of the matter, and I mean here, the leaders of scientific institutions (universities) and research (studies and research centers), to work on establishing the infrastructure for science, each in his own institution, and they have no argument in Ignore the matter, as they alone are concerned with this matter, and society has never failed to allocate billions of riyals to these institutions that they manage.
    Finally, “thank you” is the key to more. Based on this great saying, we extend our sincere thanks to all the research brothers, whose scientific production had a prominent role in producing this magazine, and I also extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who supports science, knowledge and the revival of culture in our Yemeni society In particular, the Al-Afif Cultural Foundation and the Al-Saeed Science Foundation are mentioned here
    and culture.

    Editorial Presidency
      January 2009 

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 5

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 5
    Vol. 5 No. 5 (2010)


    Many papers have reached the editorial board this year, and this, if anything, indicates the good reputation of the journal. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the fellow researchers who are constantly in contact with the journal and an apology from some for not being able to publish their research in this issue of ours, despite the approval of the arbitrators, due to the large number of research that I referred to at the beginning of the conversation. And I promise them that some of them, according to their relationship to the course of local and international events, will be published in the next issue.
    In this issue of ours, the topics varied between social, financial and scientific topics. The nature of my position in the Journal of Queen Arwa University necessitated that the researches be submitted to me, so that I would browse them out of scientific curiosity before sending them for arbitration. While browsing the papers, one of them stopped me, and it was titled "The Environment of the Slums in Sana'a," and my curiosity increased in a way that forced me to read it in full. However, my curiosity was not satisfied by reading the research, but rather my desire for more information on the subject of poverty in general increased. So I spent more than a whole month, most of my time reading what I could from the local and international poverty literature, until what I got became nothing more than repetition.

    I was so preoccupied with the subject that it became inseparable from me even during my sleep. This situation brought me back to the period of postgraduate studies when I was preoccupied with the subject of a master's degree and a doctorate. This concern or interest of mine led me to an idea, which may seem naive at first glance to many who will read this editorial. This idea, very simply, is represented in one thing, which is what the linguistic dictionary contains in the issue of poverty. After I settled my opinion on this subject, I started searching in the dictionary, following the following mechanism:

    (1) Writing the word “poverty” in both English and Arabic (poverty and poverty).

    (2) Divide the word into its letters (P, O, V, E, R, T, Y) and (F, Q, R).

    (3) Writing down the words that begin with each letter of the word, which indicate poverty.

    (4) Classifying the words after collecting them into axes, according to the axes that you collected from the study of poverty literature.

    It turns out that the words in the English language are very many, reaching one hundred and thirty words in their minimum, compared to the words in the Arabic language, which reached their maximum limit of forty-four words. It is possible to attribute the reason for the difference in this to the activity of scientific research in Western countries, which provided the dictionary with a wealth of words, while the lack of research in the Arab world impoverished the Arab dictionary of such wealth.

  • مجلة جامعة الملكة أروى العدد 6

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 6
    Vol. 6 No. 6 (2011)


    My children's complaint about repeating breakfast before they go to school caught my attention, where they repeat
    Separately, “every day this is food.. I wonder if they are right about that!! Let’s stop for a while at their simple, spontaneous phrases, and see if they carry a specific meaning or if they are the repetition of childish complaints that breakfast is the first meal of the day, and its repetition On a daily basis, it has special meanings, connotations, and results.One of its meanings is that your day has no meaning, and that everything you will find or tell in your day will not be new or you have no opinion about it, so accept it as it is without complaining, because your complaining has no meaning and nothing will change the matter. .
    As for the indications, it indicates that there is a hidden hand that works against the cosmic norms that do not stand or be upright except on the basis of diversity, multiplicity and difference. As for the absence of diversity, multiplicity, and difference, it only brings corruption and corruption, or in a more precise and specific sense, it only brings death. As for what results from the repetition of breakfast, it is the loss of desire to eat, and the compulsion to eat food that he does not like and does not want to eat sends various messages to the brain, the outcome of these messages is the lack of benefit from the food ingredients, if any, and all of this results in the loss of the real desire to contribute to the activities daily, everything is known, and everything is expected, so what can happen!!.
    It seems that our children and youth in the Arab world are fed up with the obligatory meal of abstinence, and they decided to choose it themselves, not for others to impose it on them, albeit out of love. No stereotyping, no stagnation, but diversity and difference without disagreement.

    This issue of our magazine is full of this diversity and difference. It includes politics, law, education, and culture. The reader in general, and the researcher in particular, will find in it what enriches his knowledge and enhances his desire for change and launching into broad scientific horizons.

    Editorial Presidency

  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 7
    Vol. 7 No. 7 (2011)


    It is clear that scientific research contributes to the enrichment of human knowledge in all its branches through specialized studies and serious research to reach innovative scientific and applied additions and to reveal new facts and to enable distinguished researchers to actively participate in solving development and society problems. Many developed countries have sought the rapid development of science and development. And push researchers to innovate and develop scientific research.
    It is certain that what is spent on scientific research and development programs in the Arab world is still very weak compared to global rates, and there is no escape from increasing investment in the field of scientific research in national programs. Well-being, strength and influence for man and guarantee him superiority over others and overcoming some of the problems of human life that cannot be divided into right and wrong. Scientific research centers have a prominent role in developing scientific research. For example, the number of Arab scientific research centers is (600), most of which are inside universities, while There are (1,500) centers in France, but in economically besieged Cuba, the number of scientific centers has jumped over ten years from (15) centers to (221) centers. The number of Arab researchers in their centers is (19) thousand, while their number in France alone is (31) thousand.
    As for the indicator of the number of scientists and engineers engaged in scientific research per million people, it is one of the most important indicators approved by (UNESCO) for the advancement of technological and research reality. And researcher, the huge gap is clear between us and the developed world, between the Arab countries and America (3359) researchers per million inhabitants, and in Europe it reaches (2206) researchers per million inhabitants. Computer, and the third place in chemistry sciences, and the fifteenth place among the first countries in the world that produce research and inventions. As for the Arab countries, unfortunately, they do not occupy any positions on the ranks of scientific progress.
    this !!!! It is a miserable reality, what are we now?
    There is a legitimate pause to ask about the reasons for the great decline in the field of scientific and practical research in the Arab world, despite the presence of many Arab countries that outperform many developed countries in the world in average per capita income and financial returns, especially oil ones, which have financial resources and are constantly high. At the forefront of these reasons is the lack of researchers. In addition, the money spent on research and development as a percentage of the gross national product is very small, as it did not exceed 0.3% in the Arab world for all Arab countries for the years (1981-1992), while we find that it has reached (2%) of the national product in European universities and (% 2.3) in America and the same in Japan and (1.8%) in Switzerland.
    The average spending on scientific research in the Arab world is (4) dollars per capita, while in the United States it is (640) dollars per capita. In the Arab universities, which are different, as it annually reaches (0.68%) for the Tunisian scholar, compared to (0.95%) for the Sudanese scholar, (0.95%) for the Egyptian scholar, and (0.72%) for the Iraqi scholar. It is noted that the weak productivity of a faculty member in universities returns after ten years Despite his work at the university, he does not find the encouragement that invites him to devote himself to scientific research. This is an unpleasant fact about the state of scientific research in the Arab world.

    Editorial Presidency

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 8

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 8
    Vol. 8 No. 8 (2012)

    Dear researcher/reader

    I had intended to write the editorial of this issue to talk about the encyclopedic mentality that emerged in one of its topics, but I changed my mind and chose to write about another topic related to the outputs of higher education: university and postgraduate studies, and postgraduate studies in particular, and its relationship to society.

    In recent years, Yemeni society has witnessed an increasing demand for postgraduate programs: master's and doctoral degrees, and this is normal and bodes well. I can say that the continued aspiration towards postgraduate studies will make the numbers of graduates comparable to the outputs of primary university education (bachelor’s), and this is a good thing, but unfortunately its societal return is very limited.

    The societal limitation of postgraduate studies becomes clear if we reflect on the nature of investment in it, as it is very weak, if not non-existent. Community investment in education decreases as the educational level rises, according to the nature of the society. In education, it is individual and societal at the same time.

    Based on this investment base, the outputs of postgraduate studies burden the tribal rural community and serve the scientific industrial community. If these outputs are highly efficient and capable and have a demand from the industrial society, then they leave their rural society and go to the industrial society that most needs them (brain drain). But if her qualification is limited and she only has a certificate or an academic title, then she constitutes a political embarrassment to the society in which she lives, in the event that she does not accommodate them functionally. It is also an unjustified financial burden, if he absorbed it and included it in his service institutions, as it takes more than it gives.

    Someone might say that this talk is weak, inaccurate, and unscientific, and I refer this speaker to review the higher education literature on the one hand, and to take a look at the situation of PhD holders in our Yemeni society who gather from time to time in front of the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the House of Representatives, demanding By absorbing them without even thinking for a moment if they were really needed. I also wish him to study the reality of Yemeni universities, which, over more than three decades, have not benefited Yemeni society in one thing, other than multiplying the outputs that the traditional local market based on services cannot absorb and increasing the political embarrassment of the state.

    Finally, I hope and call on fellow researchers to devote their efforts to studying the societal return of Yemeni universities. If we receive these studies, I promise here to make the next issue of this journal devoted to the publication of these studies. I am very confident that the results of these studies that they will carry out, if conducted, will be a milestone in the political and economic life of our Yemeni society, in which we all hope for its advancement and development.



    Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  • مجلة جامعة الملكة أروى العدد 9

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 9
    Vol. 9 No. 9 (2012)

    Academic freedom is an urgent educational and social necessity for educational institutions, especially for the university, because in its shadow, intellect grows, culture flourishes, and talents emerge. and belief. In order to define the meaning of the concept of academic freedom, it is necessary to understand the meaning of (freedom) and academic. Freedom means the absence of inappropriate restrictions and the individual's exercise of his rights and energies. It also means the independence of man and his exercise of freedom of administration and self-determination. As for (academic), it is a word that appeared for the first time among the Greeks in the year 367 BC. When Plato established an institution for higher education he called it (academia), meaning abstract studies based on concepts, theories and ideas. The word “academic” has come to refer to what pertains to a university or college. Academic freedom means the absence of restrictions, orders, coercion and coercion on research, study and teaching activities in universities and research centers.
    The elements of academic freedom are three main elements that begin with the freedom of faculty members, and include their freedom to search for the truth, their right to disseminate and teach it, and give them the opportunity to pursue knowledge, dialogue, discussion, production, and lecturing to their students, and enable them to describe the subjects they teach and determine which books are prescribed. And publishing their research for their colleagues to see, and other elements include ensuring job and economic security for them through methods and means, including (the stabilization system) that guarantees job stability for faculty members, and among the manifestations of academic freedom is the right to criticize educational programs and university administrative and political organizations and suggest appropriate amendments regarding them, and participate In decisions related to academic and administrative appointments, and the right to communicate proposals that are related to the public interest to the higher authorities of the university through appropriate channels, and another element of academic freedom is the administrative independence of the university, i.e. its right to manage its administrative affairs, such as the appointment, promotion and dismissal of faculty members and other employees. interference from anyone. The university has the right to manage its funds and expenditures in accordance with regulations, regulations, and instructions without external interference. One of the elements of academic freedom is cultural independence in the right of the university to organize its educational programs and curricula and freely choose its teaching methods. The university cannot play its enlightening role, which is to spread enlightening knowledge and activate its forces to bring about positive change. Fighting underdevelopment is only within the framework of intellectual freedom and independence away from subordination in all its forms.
    There is another important element of academic freedom, which is (students' freedom), i.e. their freedom to form their conclusions based on their studies, express their opinions, participate in deciding what they study and choose their majors according to their inclinations, desires and qualifications. Students' academic freedom also includes their right to creativity, and taking into account their readiness. And their capabilities and provide freedom, justice and equality, and equal opportunities for them and organize different types of activities for them.
    The reality of academic freedom in many Arab universities is tainted by ambiguity in its meaning and the weak freedom of the university professor in scientific research and teaching, in addition to that there are some universities in which university administrative authoritarianism and weak administrative and financial independence seem clear, in addition to weak academic freedom for students.
    The development of academic freedom is a major step towards the development of Arab universities.
    Editorial Presidency

  • مجلة جامعة الملكة أروى العدد 10

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 10
    Vol. 10 No. 10 (2013)

    The beginnings of higher education in some Arab countries were at the beginning of the nineteenth century, which was limited to seminars in mosques in capitals and metropolises, and some of it amounted to the level of higher education in the schools of Najaf in Iraq, Al-Azhar in Egypt, Al-Zaytuna in Tunisia and Kairouan in Fez, concerned with the sciences Religion and language, including what is concerned with logic and the sciences of speech. As for what was concerned with modern methods, Egypt preceded it during the era of Muhammad Ali, by establishing technical schools for engineering affairs and for teaching languages for the purposes of the army and government offices. He also sent missions to Europe. The interest in these schools was renewed during the era of Ismail, and between what was meant by the Diwan of Schools, the renewal of medical schools and the Muhannad Sanhana School (1866) and the establishment of the School of Administration and Languages as close as possible to the Faculty of Law (1867) and the establishment of Dar al-Uloom (1871) with the graduation of teachers of the Arabic language and religion And at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Higher Teachers’ House was added to it to graduate teachers for social, natural and mathematics sciences, followed by the establishment of the Sharia Judiciary School to graduate judges in the Sharia courts in addition to those who graduated from Al-Azhar, and there was also a French College of Law. All these higher institutes are of a professional nature. Rather, they were established in Cairo in the year (1906) as a private university that deals with university education in a general sense, but it was limited to the Faculty of Arts that combines Arabic literature with the literature of some foreign languages, and philosophy. Its studies included lectures in education and psychology, and it was Some of its professors are foreigners and some are Egyptians, and among those are some Orientalists, headed by the Italian (Nylon), and it is the university that Taha Hussein joined and obtained a doctorate from in the year (1914) with his thesis on (Abi Al-Alaa Al-Ma’arri), and he continued his studies after that in France during the war He graduated from the Sorbonne in Paris with his dissertation on Ibn Khaldun, and returned to Egypt to teach Arabic literature. He was one of the active leaders in this era. That private university, with its Faculty of Arts, became the nucleus for the establishment of an official university in the year (1925) that included other faculties such as law, medicine, and engineering. They are the official colleges, and a college for medical sciences and mathematics was established with them, so it became a comprehensive university for humanities, natural sciences, and applied sciences of a professional nature alike. Fouad I University was named after the King of Egypt, so it was a beacon of modern knowledge at the university level, attended by students from Arab countries from official missions and others. It is a source of intellectual currents that have been taking over their effects in the Arab world, and Lebanon had previously participated with Egypt in establishing an institute for higher education, so that it was established by the efforts of missionary missionaries and the initiative in it was for English missionaries on the American Protestant doctrine, who founded the Syrian Evangelical College (1866) in Arts and Sciences, and it was the first A high institute based on modern methods in Lebanon, and it became its nucleus when it was known as the American University in Beirut, as it included the College of Medicine (1867), the College of Pharmacy (1878), the College of Commerce (1900), and the College of Nursing and Hospital (1902). It was the first university in its modern form to be established in the Arab world, and the Arabic language was The language of instruction was first, then English became the language of education in it since 1880, and the infection spread to the Catholic missionaries from the Jesuits, so they established in 1875 an institute for theological and philosophical sciences, and it was the nucleus of St. Then, other faculties were established, including Medicine (1883), Pharmacy (1888), the School of Oriental Languages (1902), the College of Law (1913), Engineering (1919), and the Institute of Oriental Studies (1937). The language of instruction was French and Latin, except for some oriental lessons. In Egypt, the American College developed and grew up at the turn of the century into the American University in Cairo. The Syrian University in Damascus was established in the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine in the early twenties and was distinguished by making the Arabic language the language of instruction even in the Faculty of Medicine itself. And a college of law was established in Iraq under the name of the Law Office in Baghdad, during the Ottoman era in 1908. It was renewed in the early twenties. In 1923, Dar Al-Mu’aleen Al-Alia was founded with evening studies to prepare secondary school teachers. It became day-time in 1927, and in that year the Faculty of Medicine was established. The high school was in the early thirties, but it soon returned again in 1935, and in that year the Faculty of Law was renewed, and a school of engineering was established during the thirties. After this era, other colleges continued to be established, but they remained dispersed and not included in a single university until 1975 when the University of Baghdad was established, bringing together what was separated from the colleges at that time. Far from it, and wary of student movements in it, Palestine knew the Arab College and the role of teachers. A university was established in Algeria in 1912, but it remained limited to the children of French settlers during this era.
    It should be noted that all these institutions, with their number, diversity, levels, and the preparation of their students and faculty members, represent a remarkable shift, especially after the establishment of national governments in the aftermath of the World Civil War, compared to what they were at the beginning of this era.

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 11

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 11
    Vol. 11 No. 11 (2013)

    Dear researcher/reader
    In light of the ongoing transformations in Yemen, and within the framework of the relentless pursuit to develop the university's capabilities in community service through education and scientific research and linking them to its development, this distinguished issue of the Queen Arwa University Journal is issued. This issue included a group of diverse studies with their topics and methodologies by a group of researchers from different Arab universities and countries whose research constitutes a qualitative addition to the magazine's balance.
      The editorial board of the journal deeply believes in the fact that scientific research in all its forms and levels derives its value, distinction and effectiveness from its free pursuit in various creative, intellectual and scientific ways and tools to serve societies and meet their needs. And as an embodiment of this belief, the selection of directions and contents of this issue was as follows:
    1- Addressing problematic issues and contributing to their solution, such as: the issue of the system of government and activating control over rulers, the issue of the modern civil state, the issue of equal citizenship and citizenship education, and the issue of administration in an era of globalization.
    2- Evaluating, developing, and improving a situation, such as: evaluating the impact of the party system on administrative control, the status of wills in Sharia and law, the reality of sustainable social development, and the natural ingredients for tourism.
    3- Dealing with a danger, removing it, and avoiding it, such as: the crime of aiding the enemy and the position of legislation on it, and the plots of Satan and ways to prevent them.
    4- Understanding the needs of society or an entity and being creative in meeting them, such as: guarantees of the independence of local councils, and seeking guidance from the Holy Qur’an in understanding cosmic phenomena such as the night phenomenon. In any case, these issues and areas discussed in this issue are considered as development requirements and higher societal needs that are met through scientific research as a creative activity.
    The commitment of those in charge of editing the journal and its participants to scientific methodologies, and opening its doors to the distinguished scientific research energies of researchers, academics and creators, is what made it flourish and strengthen, which confirms the sincere intention and sincere determination to continue to embrace scientific research in its various directions at Queen Arwa University and its journal.

         Editorial Board

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 12

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 12
    Vol. 12 No. 12 (2014)

    This issue of the comprehensive magazine “Queen Arwa University Journal” presents us, as is customary, with a variety of scientific research that covers a wide area of economic, administrative, legal, literary and jurisprudential life. Most of this research gives a good indication of how to benefit from
    Political and economic variables to help Yemeni society and push it along the path of development. In this issue, the topic titled: The role of administrative leadership in managing change and reducing resistance to it caught my attention, and prompted me to devote this editorial to talking about change in Yemeni society. There are two words in the title of the research that caught my attention, namely change and resistance to change. The dear reader will notice that I used the word (change), and did not use the word (change), which was mentioned in the title of the research. The reason for that is very simple, which is that change is a natural act that does not require the intervention of the will. Humanity, while the latter calls for humanitarian action, represented by society's efforts to bring about it, which does not apply to society
    At the beginning of the discussion, it should be pointed out that the topic of social change is not new, and that it is the preoccupation of many scholars, such as Ibn Khaldun, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and others. Attention should also be drawn to an important fact regarding the subject of change, which is that for the process of change to occur, and for society to move from one situation to another, or from one state to another, two things must be present. First, the path of the two factors of change (material accumulation and cultural maturity) should be simultaneous, so that Material accumulation does not accelerate beyond cultural maturity, because when this happens, it produces disability, imbalance, or what is called the cultural gap. The second is for society to function normally and without interruption
    From any humanitarian problems, conflicts and civil wars...etc. In contrast, revolutions and popular uprisings
    It is often an accelerating factor in the process of change, and sometimes it is a hindering factor.

    Over the course of a century, Yemeni society witnessed two cases of change. The first was in the first half of the twentieth century, when change in society proceeded in a natural, calm and monotonous manner. The second case was in the second half of the same century, when change deviated from its normal, monotonous course, due to the revolution of September 26, 1962 AD, and proceeded at an accelerated pace, driven by an authentic popular desire eager for change. However, despite the revolution and what it brought about, and despite the popular desire for change, the change that society witnessed was not balanced. Change in the material aspect accelerated, and much was achieved, while the cultural aspect remained.
    It remains stagnant and static, and if some change has been achieved in it, the events of the central regions have destroyed it. Based on the above, the material change in Yemeni society has achieved a significant temporal acceleration on the cultural side, estimated at no less than four generations, i.e. no less than one hundred and twenty years. This means only one thing, which is that the citizen should not expect any significant change during the aforementioned period. Knowing that this estimated period can increase or decrease, and what determines its increase or decrease is the stability factor on the one hand.
    On the other hand, the dedication of the community members.
    In 2011, Yemeni society witnessed a popular youth revolution, also full of hopes, ambitions, and a firm desire for change, but this revolutionary action did not last long, and ended with the end of its pioneers. The crises and armed confrontations that Yemeni society is witnessing today, the struggle for power, and the concealment or disappearance of the sincere and sincere desire to take the hand of this dilapidated, collapsed nation and bring it to the beginning of the right path. This means that the period of four generations is inaccurate, as society, as it is, needs a much longer period than that in order to witness a change in its initial, early state, and what we are witnessing today in terms of events, conferences, seminars, and local meetings.
    And internationalism is nothing more than the lights of the wedding night that disappear the next day, as if nothing had happened. I hope that the reader of these lines will not be hasty and judge that what was said is nothing more than a state of despair or frustration, but rather that it is an objective reading and an accurate diagnosis of the lived reality, and the days will reveal the accuracy of what this contained.
    Finally (I invite fellow researchers to write about regionalism and how to manage regions, because the magazine’s management has allocated the next issue to this topic).



  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 13
    Vol. 13 No. 13 (2014)


    The darkness of cities, not the darkness of minds
    This issue of Queen Arwa University Magazine is full of rich and diverse topics. What draws attention to what the magazine contains is that it presents scientific and intellectual production covering a wide area of the Arab world, and this is a feature rarely found in any other Yemeni scientific periodical. Since scientific and intellectual writings represent a transparent reflection of the concerns, ambitions and aspirations of the community of their writers, I affirm that our concerns, ambitions and aspirations are the same. What this editorial expresses is the voice of the rest of the Arab societies. We are all looking forward to a savior tomorrow. One of the topics of this issue caught my attention, entitled Good Governance. This is what the Yemeni people have been striving to achieve over many decades, and it represents the basis of this editorial.
    On the way to a saved tomorrow, I would like to remind you that Yemeni society has witnessed, since the beginning of the second decade of the third millennium, major events, the most prominent of which was the youth revolution, which resulted in the Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, and then the corrective revolution, the revolution of September 21, 2014 AD. The youth revolution came forty-eight years after the first revolution, September 26, 1962 AD, but despite the long period of time, it did not bring anything new. It had the same demand that led to the establishment of the first revolution, which was a society of justice and human dignity, free of corruption.
    The second event is represented by the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, in which most, if not all, intellectuals gathered. The conferees came out with many solutions, recommendations, and proposals, all of which ultimately lead to the demand for a society based on justice, preserving human dignity, and free of corruption. The great difference between the reality of Yemeni society in... The 1960s and Yemeni society at the beginning of the third millennium lie in the huge number of intellectuals, many of whom are in power. If the percentage of intellectuals in the society of the 1960s was very limited, most of the people were illiterate, and the ruler was, as is rumored, unjust and tyrannical, then it is no wonder that the revolution deviated from its hoped-for path, and a group of people inherited the revolution and society and considered them their own property. But what is astonishing is what happened in the youth revolution and what emerged from it. The youth revolution took place in the society of the third millennium, a society that is crowded with intellectuals, and the platform of power is crowded with them. They are in control of the three authorities, so how can the revolution deviate from its path? Knowing the reasons for the derailment of the youth revolution is an extremely complex equation, however.
    There is nothing wrong with highlighting it. Extrapolating the history of most Yemeni intellectuals shows very clearly how they were the main and direct factor, with or without their knowledge, in the belief of those who rose to power, after the first revolution, that the land and those on it were their exclusive property. They used to portray the ruler that he was not mistaken, and that what he said was the essence of wisdom. He was the professor of professors, the scholar of scholars, and the professor of politicians. Intellectuals were keen for official newspapers to have some of their sayings in the forefront, and if they were not there, they would fabricate it for themselves. From the old system. By doing so, they were deviated These intellectuals who, through their competence, which was never underestimated, or thanks to their fawning over the ruler, occupied sensitive positions in the three authorities, and when the youth revolution broke out, these intellectuals were unable to transcend The culture of fawning and masculinity, which they grew up with for more than forty years. All they had to do was hand it over to those who kept the revolution off track, and society returned to square one, demanding a society dominated by justice and devoid of corruption.
    Someone might say, what a fierce campaign against intellectuals!!! Intellectuals are the ones who initiated the revolution, and they are the ones who preserved it. I say, after the outbreak of the youth revolution, the authorities were devoid of everything except the intellectuals, represented by the political parties that represent the people, express their ambitions and goals, and work to achieve those goals. Isn’t this what they say about themselves? Come with me and ponder... They were the ones in the dialogue conference... They were the constellation surrounding the president... They were the ones forming the government... They were the members of the House of Representatives... What was occupying their minds, at the moment? Were they thinking about the interests of the people? ...Were the people's concerns, aspirations, and hopes what preoccupied and disturbed them? ... Have they ever agreed among themselves on a matter that concerns society and the nation? ... Was sharing positions, positions, privileges, and achieving wealth the last thing that mattered to them? ...I leave the answer to the dear reader.
    Society entered a tunnel of disappointment and despair, filled with all kinds of heartbreak and remorse for the young lives lost for the sake of the old dream of justice and lack of corruption. Intellectuals did not, and could not, do anything that would restore a glimmer of hope to their people for a better tomorrow. Rather, they contributed to strengthening the reality of injustice and the spread of corruption in society. But the momentum of the revolution did not die, so God rewarded this patient people, a group of them who took it upon themselves to correct the course of the revolution and restore hope and optimism to their souls. Its first action was to get rid of those who believed that they were the masters of the people, and that the state only existed to take care of their interests, and the Free and Proud Army was nothing but a special guard for them. They were the ones who exalted the people and those who demolished them whenever they wanted, and things began to unfold again. How could... This country was plundered by individuals whose number does not exceed the fingers of one hand. The second step of the corrective revolution of September 21, 2014 was to achieve justice and get rid of hotbeds of corruption in institutions headed by a group of intellectuals. This step is what disturbed most of the intellectuals, so they began to work on what they are skilled at, which is to create confusion and fears among the people about the coming calamity, and they were creative in making the most horrific descriptions of him, calling him a divider between the group, serving the interests of foreign countries.
    But what they did and what they are doing collided with the reality of what is happening on the ground, what people see and live on a daily basis, which is fighting spoilers and corruption, and achieving security, as much as they can. The last question that must be asked is whether these intellectuals will succeed in reversing the new revolutionary movement and returning home  What is the first square? The answer to this question is as complex as the previous equation. Yemeni society, with its cities and countryside, suffers from power outages, and darkness descends on every part of it. This is an indisputable fact. But the problem is not the darkness we suffer from as a result of the power outage. Rather, the real problem is the darkness of minds, the darkness that appears to have a bright lustre, while its reality is a deadly threat to society, and this is what makes me refrain from answering the question posed.

    Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Khayyat

  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 14

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 14
    Vol. 14 No. 14 (2015)


    Dear researcher/reader

    The issuance of this issue of the Queen Arwa University Journal comes as a true approach that embodies the role of scientific research in serving society, as this issue included a group of valuable studies in several fields, with a greater focus on the economic aspect, and its contribution to the advancement of society and countries.

    The contents selected for this issue embody the belief of the magazine’s editors in the fact that scientific research in all its forms and levels derives its value and effectiveness through reviewing economic and social issues and working to provide solutions to them: such as the phenomenon of money laundering, reviewing its harmful economic effects on the individual and society, and reviewing effective methods. To combat it, as well as research in the field of sustainable development and its role in meeting the requirements and needs of the present without compromising the ability of generations, as the world faces the danger of environmental degradation that must be overcome, while not abandoning the needs of economic development, as well as equality and social justice capable of meeting its needs.

    He also presented the topic of governance as an old modern term for dealing with the completion of decisions that set expectations, granting authority, or oversight, and linking it to agency theory in solving problems faced by organizations. As a separate process or as a specific part of management or command processes, or through a group of individuals that constitute a government to manage these processes and systems.

    In addition to studying the effects of internal migration, its economic and social effects, and the extent of the permissibility of implementation on the funds of foreign countries in Yemeni law. We hope that the circumstances that Arab society is going through these days will not affect Arab scholars and thinkers, and that their scientific production, which is considered the basic structure of the renaissance, will continue.


  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 15

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 15
    Vol. 15 No. 15 (2015)

    Editorial: Our Intellectuals are the Cause of Our Setback

    Literature abounds with various terminologies for the old colonial powers and the colonized countries. Among these terminologies are the developed world and the underdeveloped world, with the latter term eventually replaced by "developing" as a euphemism. Other terms include the Global North and the Global South, and the Third World. Our Arabic-speaking region falls within the realm of the underdeveloped, the Global South, or the impoverished countries.

    Regardless of the terminologies or the political and economic attributes used to classify societies, one undeniable fact remains: intellectuals—whether in the advanced northern societies or the underdeveloped southern societies—are the primary agents of societal growth and change or its hindrance. This distinction becomes evident when comparing Western intellectuals to our own, as will be illustrated.

    The liberation of our Arabic-speaking societies from colonial rule began after World War II. The second half of the twentieth century witnessed two significant developments: the expansion of liberation movements and the division of our societies into progressive, democracy-aspiring, inclusive communities, and regressive, exclusionary, theocratic ones.

    Over time, the momentum of the progressive liberation communities waned, aligning more with the regressive, theocratic, authoritarian, and exclusionary regimes. However, the cultural framework infused with values of liberation and progressivism, which shaped the generations of the latter half of the twentieth century, did not diminish. Consequently, a group of (partisan) intellectuals advocating for freedom, equality, and non-enslavement emerged within these (liberated) societies. These intellectuals spread across the entire political spectrum: religious parties, socialist, Baathist, Nasserite, and other affiliations.

    Ignorantly, we believed that these intellectuals were the hope of their peoples for liberation from tyranny and enslavement, given their espoused values of freedom and equality. However, it became evident, especially after the so-called Arab revolution, that the true, deeply rooted objective of these intellectuals was to seize power, not to serve society and achieve freedom and equality, but to enjoy the wealth and influence that power brings. This became apparent as they were willing to ally with their traditional enemy—what they previously labeled in their literature as colonialism and reactionary forces—against their own societies. The current events on the ground testify to this, as parties and these intellectuals have shown they are fully prepared to destroy their societies and peoples to gain power, giving rise to a new political term: "sharing and partitioning," with everyone wanting a piece of the pie.

    This culture of sharing and partitioning distinguishes the intellectual in our Arabic-speaking societies from those in the North. The former is free, independent of and not reliant on power, and has succeeded in transforming and elevating their society. In contrast, the latter is a product of power, dependent on it, lacking freedom and independence. Thus, they live in a constant state of alienation, saying what they do not do, serving as tools of destruction and sabotage, and cannot be relied upon as they are the root and cause of societal setbacks. Furthermore, our parties and intellectuals are governed by a gang mentality focused on plunder and exclusion.

    It saddens me to conclude this editorial by saying that the second decade of the twenty-first century marks the beginning of a new era of ethics characterized by dependency, humiliation, and submission to traditional colonial and reactionary forces. These new ethics have led researchers and writers to withdraw from engaging with the issues in the Arabic-speaking arena. This is clearly evident in the topics covered in this issue of the magazine, which address various and diverse issues without focusing on a single framework.

    Editorial Board

  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 16

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 16
    Vol. 16 No. 16 (2016)


    Since the 1940s, Arab societies have been trying to overcome their deeply entrenched traditional social realities through cultural interaction and modern educational revolutions. However, instead of adopting policies and measures capable of initiating transformative change, they have unintentionally adhered to traditional methods of managing society aimed at modernization. Consequently, traditional culture has been reinforced in Arab cities, and the Arab intellectual has suffered from a cultural schizophrenia, making them modern in vision and thought but traditional in behavior and practice.

    This situation has led to pervasive frustration in all cultural renaissance projects and the flourishing of crisis-driven projects, represented by the widespread emergence of the Salafi movement, which had not been widely present before the 1940s. This cultural schizophrenia has clearly reflected itself in almost all aspects of life, particularly in state administration. We find that what is referred to as the separation of powers is merely rhetorical, and that positions in the executive authority, no matter how minor, are governed by familial and acquaintance connections, or what is known as 'trusted individuals' rather than 'experts.' The phrase "the right man in the right place" has thus acquired a social rather than professional connotation.

    Despite the dominance of this culture, the issue of cultural schizophrenia has begun to permeate many aspects. We find that there are numerous research studies conducted by Arab researchers in the humanities, reflecting this cultural schizophrenia with great clarity. Some of the content in this issue of our journal serves as a clear example of what we are trying to convey, and both readers and researchers will observe the truth of our assertions.

    It is worth noting that the editorial board decided to feature the topic of "Arab Spring Revolutions" and their impact on the Salafi movement in Yemen at the forefront of the topics, placing the subject of "Mechanisms for Appointing Educational Leaders" at the end, as if to underscore that these two topics symbolize the traditional direction in Arab culture. It should also be emphasized that this traditional approach still plays a formative role in the primary structure of Arab society, controlled by the traditional mindset of the Arab intellectual, which is not necessarily a flaw or shortcoming.

    Finally, I hope that readers and researchers find their objectives met within the contents of this issue.

    Editorial Board

  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 17

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 17
    Vol. 17 No. 17 (2016)

    Opening Editorial UN, Shame On You!

    The balance: this divine tool of existence and human creation, has multiple connotations covering wide areas in various fields—cultural, economic, political, social, legal, ethical, religious, scientific, industrial, commercial, military, etc. From this tool, the golden word "balance" is derived, indicating every noble and honorable action that enhances human dignity and assures him peace, tranquility, and safety, keeping away all life's disturbances.

    Historically, the world has operated based on the principle of power balance to limit the dominance of powerful states over weaker ones, curbing their desire for control and oppression. This balance of international powers is a golden or magical equation that prevents strong nations from exploiting and oppressing weaker peoples, safeguarding international peace and security.

    Since the beginning of the modern era, the balance of international powers has undergone six stages over a span of more than four centuries:

    1. The era of Western colonialism (imbalance of power) from 1500 to 1917 – 417 years.
    2. The phase of power balance adjustments (Soviet Union) from 1917 to 1945.
      • Western colonial powers, by their very nature, sought to oppress and exploit peoples. However, they realized that the emerging socialist ideology in the colonized countries posed a real threat to their existence and would become a tool for the oppressed peoples to rise and liberate themselves from colonialism. They found their solace in the Islamic awakening that emerged in Egypt in the 1920s under the name of the Muslim Brotherhood, considering it an ideological competitor to socialism, and worked to contain and alter its course.
      • When Britain failed to carry out its tasks towards the Muslim Brotherhood, it handed over the responsibility to the United States, which also found solace in it. The matter became more complicated when America's relationship with Saudi Arabia strengthened. It is known that powerful countries do not only seek economic and political interests through their relationships with other states but also study the cultural and historical structures of those states. They found their goal in the Wahhabi thought or doctrine, ensuring its survival and continuity. Thus, the ideology became two-pronged, with Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood providing an ideological base that could be used in the future.
    3. The actual beginning of international power balance (1945-1960).
      • The Soviet Union emerged as a force on the international political scene with an ideology opposing the colonial powers.
      • The United Nations was established to ensure the achievement of international peace and security by protecting the sovereignty and independence of its member states.
      • The start of decolonization and calls for liberation from colonialism and reactionary forces.
    4. The continuation of the international power balance (1960-1985). During this period, the world was divided into almost two camps: the capitalist camp, which revolved around the colonial and reactionary powers, and the socialist camp, supporting liberation and independence movements worldwide. This camp worked to curb the arrogance and aggression of the capitalist camp, especially the United States.
      • The two sides entered into a Cold War that lasted more than two decades, each trying to limit the other's influence. However, the capitalist rhetoric had a greater impact on the general public, particularly in the Third World countries and the Arab region. Western intelligence agencies, especially America, managed to revive and use Islamist political ideologies (the Brotherhood and Wahhabism) against the ideological enemy (the Soviet Union).
    5. The loss of international political balance (1985-2010). This period witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of the Cold War, and the emergence of a unipolar world order dominated by the United States. The repercussions of losing the balance of power became apparent, with America becoming the ultimate authority on moral and political standards, deciding which countries should remain and which should disappear from the international political scene. This dominance led to the old colonial powers (Western European countries) submitting to America, trailing behind it like the reactionary and despotic states in the region, lacking any significant geopolitical influence.
    6. The wide-ranging impact of this lack of international political balance on the respect for the international community, represented by the United Nations and the Security Council, resulted in a loss of basic organizational principles and turned these bodies into a market for enslavement.


  • Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 18

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 18
    Vol. 18 No. 18 (2017)

    Absence of Rationality.. Or What?

    The stories of mutual violence among Muslims within their countries and elsewhere raise many questions. The current reality in conflict zones across several Arab Muslim regions underscores the need to deeply consider what has been entrenched in our cultural, social, and political heritage, and our practices towards ourselves and others. We begin by ignoring the repeated human rights violations within our own countries, carried out by our own hands.

    The irrational way of perceiving and practicing things only leads to further tearing of the social fabric and deepens hostility within our societies at a time when we are in dire need of addressing and solving our internal problems, and striving for true Arab-Islamic reconciliation.

    It can be said that the decline of rationality within Arab and Islamic societies today is due to several factors, the most important of which are the spread of a culture of intolerance in all its forms, and the political struggle for power. Sectarian or religious intolerance and its mobilization represent a fundamental cause of conflict in some countries, while the political struggle for power is the core of the fighting in others.

    There is no doubt that the absence of social justice and equality among members of society generates extremism and then armed violence. Additionally, the absence of democracy naturally produces tyranny and injustice, concentrating power in a specific group, family, or individual. All these manifestations have led to the emergence of various political and religious conflicts in all their forms, with each party lying in wait for the other. This is a natural result of the atmosphere of intolerance fostered by clinging to narrow interests or religious formalities far removed from the fundamentals and core values of religion, instead of generating real questions that confront the issues of reality, society, and the future.

    In contrast to the absence of rationality criticized in today's topic, there is a renewed need for a culture of rationality—a culture of dialogue with ourselves and others. This culture was prevalent during the peak of Islamic civilizational prosperity and is capable of making decisions, taking positions, defending them, adopting the core issues of society, and striving to fulfill humanity's mission on earth to build it, not destroy it.

    The lines of this issue will delve into various topics, including those of a legal nature and others of a diverse nature. Legal studies hold a special importance in our magazine to establish the culture of the rule of law, which fundamentally stems from moral values that allow for the preservation of human dignity by protecting their rights within society and fairly imposing duties. Meanwhile, other topics remain important as they address scientific, social, and political subjects.

    The Editor

  • مجلة جامعة الملكة أروى العدد 19

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 19
    Vol. 19 No. 19 (2017)

    Editorial: ISIS is a Western industry par excellence

    Reality often dictates the writer's choice of topic. If we look at the contents of the current issue, we find that two-thirds of the topics contained therein are of a political nature, or are political topics. Accordingly, I decided that the editorial of this issue should be on political matters, and the first topic that came to my mind was the West
    And his relationship with the old colonizer. When the word colonialism is heard, read, or written, it only refers to one party, or to one system of countries, which is “the West,” with its wings being the countries of Europe and America. The colonial behavior of the Western countries resulted in a dualism of the colonizer and the colonized, which ultimately resulted in the enrichment of the colonized and the impoverishment of the colonized. Realizing the need for the West to keep the colonizer after its independence in a state of permanent dependency, it intended to occupy the old colonizer with various internal problems that hinder him from thinking about what to advance him and take him out of his crisis situation on the one hand and make him always resort, directly or indirectly, to the one whose civilization is superior to him. , who has money
    Which he uses to achieve his goals through the political leaders of the colonial state system. The old colonial countries embraced opposition groups in
    Among the colonial tactics is his state. Among the most prominent opposition groups embraced by Western countries are Islamic groups, persecuted in their countries of origin. The presence of these Islamic groups in Western societies was not an absurd, passive, submissive, or subservient existence, but rather an active and fruitful existence. These groups worked to spread Islam in the Western world in a way that the old colonialists had not expected, and had not calculated with the required accuracy, until this expansion became
    Islam poses a real danger.
    In order for the countries of the West, led by the United States of America, to work to curb this great mushroom expansion of Islam in the countries of the West, and to work to reduce its spread and expansion among future generations, Islam had to be shown in the ugliest possible image, so ISIS was the image that was engineered and manufactured in a form repulsive to Islam. , which must prevail and spread in the Islamic world, to be a reality that alienates young people
    The West, instead of the true image of Islam, which attracted their fathers.


  • مجلة جامعة الملكة أروى العدد 20

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 20
    Vol. 20 No. 20 (2018)

    Editorial of the issue

    The editorial board of “Queen Arwa University Journal” is pleased to place the twentieth issue in the hands of its readers, and the work team is certainly proud of this fruitful achievement, which constitutes a practical step towards serving scientific research, adds room for communication between specialists and those with experience, and expands the circle of benefit from research and studies. Which falls under the various fields of knowledge in its broad scientific sense, and it is worth mentioning in this context that the magazine in our hands is not the product of the hour, but rather the result of previous efforts and serious attempts that go back nearly two decades. Fortunately, the project did not stop, and that the idea found someone to work on developing it and continuing it practically until it reached this stage.
    This issue included eight research papers with a variety of topics. The first research talked about estimating the demand function for money in Yemen. The other research compared the variables of the respiratory circulatory system at rest between athletes and non-athletes. The third research talked about the role of using the balanced scorecard to evaluate the performance of Islamic banks. The issue also included research on the importance of ceremony and protocol. in diplomatic work, and another study on the extent to which commercial banks operating in Yemen apply the principles of total quality management from the point of view of their employees. The issue also included other research on the role of secondary school teachers in developing moral values among their students in Al-Bayda Governorate, the political participation of Yemeni women, and finally thought. Social studies according to Imam Yahya Al-Alawi.
      The editorial board of Queen Arwa University Journal is keen to continue its policy of striving to remain a leading journal at the local and regional levels, and to become classified among the most famous international standards, and is working to achieve the conditions for inclusion in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) classification, which Among them is diversity in all its forms in the magazine. To achieve this and to provide benefit to researchers and those interested, the magazine published all its issues electronically on the university’s website in addition to the paper copies.
    Queen Arwa University Magazine would like its readers to interact with it through its website and e-mail by expressing their comments and submitting their suggestions that they believe will have a good impact on developing and improving the magazine.
    In conclusion, we extend our sincere thanks, praise and appreciation to all those who contributed to bringing this scientific work into existence and continuing it, and all those who contributed to the idea, the scientific material, editing, review and final output, the advisory board and members of the editorial board, and the researchers who participated in providing the journal with their studies and research. .

    I swear to God, the Grantor of luck and success,,,

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 21

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 21
    Vol. 21 No. 21 (2018)

    The West's strategy in dealing with Arab leaders
    Dear reader, this issue includes a group of research, most of which deals with pedagogical and educational issues, and is completely devoid of any topic in politics. But our reality imposes on us, instead of shedding light on one of the areas mentioned in the magazine, talking about politics.
    Dear reader, fortunately, you and I share the same concern, and that you understand and appreciate what I am going to say
    In these lines, without further clarification. I tell you that since the end of my first decade, I have begun to become aware and aware of what is going on around me in terms of public life. Since then, I have been listening to the words, statements, and words of our Arab leaders in all national and non-national forums and occasions, and they inflame our feelings of challenging colonialism and making promises to defeat it, preserving our capabilities and wealth, and building a strong, independent, and developed homeland. I and others from my generation grew up on such ideals. This letter, until I reached the end of my seventh decade.
    I can tell you the truth, dear reader, that everything I have experienced and witnessed is the exact opposite of what our leaders say in their speeches. Over the past sixty years, I have witnessed, lived and known the bitterness of humiliation and humiliation of our leaders and leaders, and their surrender and submission to the enemy they mention in their enthusiastic speeches. But unfortunately, I say that the humiliation and humiliation of our leaders in the last seven years (2011-2018) is unprecedented.
    For this reason, and in order to be aware of my situation, I found myself in front of George Washington on the eve of his assuming the presidency in 1789, to find out from him, who is the greatest enemy and the leader of our enemies, the position of our Arab leaders and leaders in the Western strategy in general and the American strategy in particular, so I asked him about that.

    He replied, with a smile on his face, saying: Listen, my friend, the culture of all peoples works to enhance the citizen’s sense of dignity, pride, pride, and self-esteem in front of others, and leaders or chiefs are, first and foremost, citizens and enjoy those great values. Regarding your question, I have not found, and will not find, in your “Arab” region leaders who possess even the minimum level of dignity. Rather, they are good at enlightening us about the way in which we detract from their dignity. My dear, I have never heard of such leaders. I firmly believe that all Western countries know the ABCs of dealing with them. Excuse me, Mr. President, but what about the future, and what is the position of our leaders in Western strategy? My dear, in the world of politics, international strategies do not make room for those who are not equal, and your leaders offer us what we do not ask of them, and what we do not think to ask of them, and such people have no place in our strategies.
    Thank you, Mr. President
    Thank you.
    Dear reader, this is the West, and these are our leaders... So what should we do?!


  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 22

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 22
    Vol. 22 No. 22 (2019)

    Editorial: They are the enemy

    All wonders come from the intellectuals of the nation. Those, who are considered actual guides to enlighten young people with ways to protect their future, yet they have lost their way, and bequeathed to the nation all that it suffers from.
    These intellectuals were, and still are, knowing with certainty that the countries of the West, especially America, are the true and actual enemy of the nation, and they kept repeating the phrase: The West is the enemy, the West is the enemy...etc. The days revealed that the West is clear from the first moment in its goals and aspirations, and knows what it wants and from whom it wants what it wants. Through the installation of corrupt rulers, it became clear that the real enemy of the nation is its intellectuals. Is it time to warn against the nation's intellectuals, who have proven their cheapness and humiliation to themselves, may God kill them.

    As the common saying goes, castles are only demolished from within. Intellectuals were the tool of the West in falsifying the nation's consciousness, and senior officials in societies were anti-Western. The historical event is repeated, and the West continues to impose its hegemony and tutelage on our countries, so societies mobilized to resist it. And my cousin Ali Al-Gharib.
    And you, dear reader, see and hear the dominance of the West over us, and that it imposes itself as a trustee and mediator to solve our problems that it ignited, and the most prominent examples are the case of Syria, Yemen and Libya. Add to this his contradictory positions on the same reality; He supports Turkey on the issue of Syria, and does not move a finger on the issue of Turkey in Libya, isn't one of you a rational man?
    It is worth noting that this issue contains research devoted to explaining the American policy towards Jerusalem. Everyone knows the nature of the hostile American policy towards the Palestinian cause, however, the Palestinian leaders ignored America's lack of neutrality, which emerged in Trump's recent position on declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and Netanyahu's adoption of the latest peace project and considered it an American project, and called it the "deal of the century."
    As for the other six studies, they are far from the course of events in the Arab and Islamic region. It sheds light on traditional topics of interest to researchers such as investment, grammar, drafting marriage contracts, sports, and the Qur'anic text. Researchers have made remarkable efforts. We hope that researchers and those interested, graduate students, and specialists will find something that enriches their studies and research, so that the benefit will spread and knowledge will be enriched.


    Editorial Presidency

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 23

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 23
    Vol. 23 No. 23 (2019)

    "Corona Virus"
    Dear researcher and reader, this issue of the Journal of Queen Arwa University included eight solid scientific researches, as usual. In the works presented by the journal, there are two vital groups of the eight researches, not in themselves, but because of their nominal proximity to what is happening in the Arab region and in Yemen. In particular. The first group includes three researches in political affairs
    The second group also includes three research papers in legal affairs. The jurisprudence of reality, the Corona virus, which swept part of China, attracted the attention and attention of the world, and billions of dollars were allocated to combat it. This is an aspect. The most important and prominent aspect is that this Corona virus has attracted the attention and interest of scientists and doctors, from all parts of the world, not because these scientists and doctors lack work, or that there is nothing to preoccupy them, but because reality and its jurisprudence necessitate that they postpone what they are working on and devote themselves to. This is a big deal. This is the jurisprudence of reality, and these are its requirements for those who are aware.
    So what jurisprudence of reality is ignored or absent from our researchers. Our country is exposed to a fierce global aggression that gathered, cooperated, mobilized, recruited, armed, financed and equipped all the Nazi-fascist countries of the world, and implemented it with the hands and money of a defiled Saudi-Emirati. This reality has political, legal, economic, social, human, moral and medical dimensions.
    He waits for tomorrow.

    All this reality did not produce for our researchers and scholars jurisprudence, directing their studies and research. We did not find anyone shedding light on the reality of the aggression, nor on its political and economic dimensions, nor on its merits and legal repercussions, nor on the appropriate economy for the attacked countries...etc. What our scholars and researchers produce in their work is nothing more than a review of outdated literature. Yes, it is valuable and useful, but in an uncritical time, knowing that creativity, invention and innovation are often incubated by crises. Will our scholars pay attention to our jurisprudence, our reality, and respond to its requirements and necessities, as scholars responded to the Corona virus?
    I hope so....

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 24

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 24
    Vol. 24 No. 24 (2020)

    Dear researcher / reader, it is a great honor for the editorial family of the journal to communicate with you scientifically, and it promises to continue to present your scientific production, as long as your scientific giving continues. This issue, which is in your hands, is full of a rich scientific banquet with its multi-scientific topics that shed light on sports, law, management, culture, and banking and banking.
    Despite the diversity of its fields of study, but in its entirety it presents, directly or indirectly, a coherent scientific subject, which brings theoretical and practical benefit to all human, social, political and economic entities, whether in Yemeni society or other societies.
    To confirm our theory, we say that the elements of the interrelated scientific subject are: training, decency and objectivity, keenness to satisfy the target, prudence and courtesy, not ignoring the cultural dimension, taking direct and tort responsibility, and observing the legal dimension in administrative decisions issued by the entity. It is worth noting the importance of fitness in this matter: Fitness is the ability of an organism or entity to perform its role and accomplish its tasks with the required efficiency.
    And since the event here is directed to the elite of researchers and readers, elaborating and delving into the details of the subject, which is clear by its nature, has a lack of tact in it. Accordingly, we hope that the researcher / reader and those interested in the topics raised will find what satisfies his scientific interest and drives him to further research and high scientific production.

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 25

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 25
    Vol. 25 No. 25 (2020)

    God - and the Arab ruler

    More than fourteen centuries have passed since our Arab and Islamic nation did not entertain the sun of humanity, which was confiscated by its rulers, and only God knows how much time remains for this sun to rise. It is fortunate that the research in this issue is diverse and in different fields and topics, and this is what prompted me to write on this subject.
    God Almighty says about his actions, and the results of his actions that he is above accountability. As for what is below it in terms of creation, they are questioned:

     He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.

      This saying is the truth of divinity, and that whoever disputes with God in what he singled out for himself has elevated his position to that of the Creator.

    And our Arab rulers, since after the caliphate until the present day, are working tirelessly to be gods, as Pharaoh before them did. This is what Netanyahu suffers from prosecution, and there are many examples of that. As for our rulers, the first thing they do upon assuming power is harnessing all the state's military and security institutions to ensure that they remain in power, and the citizen becomes guilty until proven innocent. As for the ruler and his family and those who are close to him, they are above accountability, and thus they have elevated their status to the status of sanctification. Are they new gods? If that is the case, let them announce this so that they may receive the required reverence.

    We ask God Almighty to bless us with the sunrise...

  • Queen Arwa University Issue: 26

    Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 26
    Vol. 26 No. 26 (2023)


    Scientific research is one of the most important pillars of academic work and its basic foundations for distinguished higher education. Academic research is one of the important criteria for evaluating higher education institutions (universities, higher institutes, research centers) as well as their employees, as universities are always reclassified academically at the level every year. Local, regional and international.

    Therefore, out of Queen Arwa University’s keenness to develop this vital aspect of the university’s life process, we were keen early on to encourage this aspect and exploit it appropriately in order to cover the previous objectives since the establishment of the first scientific journal at the level of Yemeni private universities, to which all university departments and colleges contribute according to their specialization and interests. Scientific.

    From here came the abundant scientific diversity, and the engineering and medical sciences, computer sciences, and information sciences gained their place in this aspect, as the magazine covered an important part of them, along with other social sciences. The university mobilized the enthusiasm of its cadres of faculty members and researchers to contribute effectively, opening the way for all members of the teaching and scientific research bodies in Throughout the country and abroad to participate and contribute to the development of scientific research, including its pillars, visions, and interests, in order to advance this aspect.

    The last issue of the year 2023 was one of the years that included, thanks to those working on producing this journal, clear progress in its mechanisms and standards. The process of developing it constituted a great momentum for publication and contribution, and it received broad commitment and diligent work from the scientific arbitration committees.

    Therefore, I am pleased to lead this distinguished issue by congratulating everyone on this achievement and praising all the ideas and visions presented in the research of this distinguished issue. I hope that this success will be supportive of them and an incentive to continue giving and scientific excellence and an invitation to all minds to contribute to scientific giving, identify problems, present solutions and publish Visions and ideas that contribute to the development of our society, developing and modernizing scientific research in its various fields, and providing opportunities for all researchers to lead and nurture the seed of scientific development. May God help us to do what is good and beneficial for everyone.

    Chairman of the Editorial Board
    Prof. Waheeba Ghalib Faree  Al-Faqih