Vol. 12 No. 12 (2014): Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 12

Queen Arwa University Issue: 12

This issue of the comprehensive magazine “Queen Arwa University Journal” presents us, as is customary, with a variety of scientific research that covers a wide area of economic, administrative, legal, literary and jurisprudential life. Most of this research gives a good indication of how to benefit from
Political and economic variables to help Yemeni society and push it along the path of development. In this issue, the topic titled: The role of administrative leadership in managing change and reducing resistance to it caught my attention, and prompted me to devote this editorial to talking about change in Yemeni society. There are two words in the title of the research that caught my attention, namely change and resistance to change. The dear reader will notice that I used the word (change), and did not use the word (change), which was mentioned in the title of the research. The reason for that is very simple, which is that change is a natural act that does not require the intervention of the will. Humanity, while the latter calls for humanitarian action, represented by society's efforts to bring about it, which does not apply to society
At the beginning of the discussion, it should be pointed out that the topic of social change is not new, and that it is the preoccupation of many scholars, such as Ibn Khaldun, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and others. Attention should also be drawn to an important fact regarding the subject of change, which is that for the process of change to occur, and for society to move from one situation to another, or from one state to another, two things must be present. First, the path of the two factors of change (material accumulation and cultural maturity) should be simultaneous, so that Material accumulation does not accelerate beyond cultural maturity, because when this happens, it produces disability, imbalance, or what is called the cultural gap. The second is for society to function normally and without interruption
From any humanitarian problems, conflicts and civil wars...etc. In contrast, revolutions and popular uprisings
It is often an accelerating factor in the process of change, and sometimes it is a hindering factor.

Over the course of a century, Yemeni society witnessed two cases of change. The first was in the first half of the twentieth century, when change in society proceeded in a natural, calm and monotonous manner. The second case was in the second half of the same century, when change deviated from its normal, monotonous course, due to the revolution of September 26, 1962 AD, and proceeded at an accelerated pace, driven by an authentic popular desire eager for change. However, despite the revolution and what it brought about, and despite the popular desire for change, the change that society witnessed was not balanced. Change in the material aspect accelerated, and much was achieved, while the cultural aspect remained.
It remains stagnant and static, and if some change has been achieved in it, the events of the central regions have destroyed it. Based on the above, the material change in Yemeni society has achieved a significant temporal acceleration on the cultural side, estimated at no less than four generations, i.e. no less than one hundred and twenty years. This means only one thing, which is that the citizen should not expect any significant change during the aforementioned period. Knowing that this estimated period can increase or decrease, and what determines its increase or decrease is the stability factor on the one hand.
On the other hand, the dedication of the community members.
In 2011, Yemeni society witnessed a popular youth revolution, also full of hopes, ambitions, and a firm desire for change, but this revolutionary action did not last long, and ended with the end of its pioneers. The crises and armed confrontations that Yemeni society is witnessing today, the struggle for power, and the concealment or disappearance of the sincere and sincere desire to take the hand of this dilapidated, collapsed nation and bring it to the beginning of the right path. This means that the period of four generations is inaccurate, as society, as it is, needs a much longer period than that in order to witness a change in its initial, early state, and what we are witnessing today in terms of events, conferences, seminars, and local meetings.
And internationalism is nothing more than the lights of the wedding night that disappear the next day, as if nothing had happened. I hope that the reader of these lines will not be hasty and judge that what was said is nothing more than a state of despair or frustration, but rather that it is an objective reading and an accurate diagnosis of the lived reality, and the days will reveal the accuracy of what this contained.
Finally (I invite fellow researchers to write about regionalism and how to manage regions, because the magazine’s management has allocated the next issue to this topic).



Published: 2014-06-30

Scientific theses