Vol. 4 No. 4 (2009): Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 4

Queen Arwa University Issue: 4

It is our pleasure to meet the dear reader in the fourth issue of the Journal of Queen Arwa University. The journal has sought, since its first issue, to be a window for all scholars and researchers from all universities of the Arab and Islamic world, through which they reach out, with their scientific output, to all researchers and those interested in Various fields of science in the Republic of Yemen.
We often talk about the necessity of adopting and encouraging science, as the basic prelude to the renaissance of nations, and we forget, in the midst of our discourse on the adoption of the reasons for renaissance, that scientific research does not come with invitations, speeches, and extreme enthusiasm for it, but rather it is the result of a general culture rooted in society. The reality of Arab societies, without exception, lacks such a culture, and at the same time possesses the culture of dreaming about supporting, encouraging and stimulating science. And if we traced the rhetorical and practical activities of scientific institutions (universities and government ministries related to what might be called “science”), we would find many, many events and activities indicating the support and encouragement of science, but in fact the matter is not far from the circle of intense yearning and overwhelming desire for there to be science.

Despite the importance of studies and research published by Arab scientific journals and periodicals, which are few, they are not science in the strict sense of the word, but rather a basic introduction to science, as they ultimately lead to the emergence of science (theorizing) in various fields. In order for these sciences to be produced, there must be a scientific environment that enables scientists to disseminate their scientific and knowledge products.
Those working in the field of science and knowledge production often suffer from the inability to publish what they produce, because the priorities of their daily lives conflict with the publication of their scientific production. Arab periodicals, and Yemeni ones in particular, lack financial support
Accordingly, it does not accept studies and research for publication, due to its scientific importance, but rather accepts it in return for money (arbitration fees), so that it can continue to appear. The other thing is that most of what is published in these journals is research carried out by their owners for the purpose of academic promotion only. This type of study cares more about the scientific form than its interest in the science itself, and the reason for that is due, and very simple, to the fact that scientific work needs a lot of financial spending, and this is what our Arab researchers, and Yemenis in particular, do not have.
And through these few words in the editorial of this issue, we call on all those in charge of the matter, and I mean here, the leaders of scientific institutions (universities) and research (studies and research centers), to work on establishing the infrastructure for science, each in his own institution, and they have no argument in Ignore the matter, as they alone are concerned with this matter, and society has never failed to allocate billions of riyals to these institutions that they manage.
Finally, “thank you” is the key to more. Based on this great saying, we extend our sincere thanks to all the research brothers, whose scientific production had a prominent role in producing this magazine, and I also extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who supports science, knowledge and the revival of culture in our Yemeni society In particular, the Al-Afif Cultural Foundation and the Al-Saeed Science Foundation are mentioned here
and culture.

Editorial Presidency
  January 2009 

Published: 2009-02-28

Scientific theses