Vol. 5 No. 5 (2010): Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 5

Queen Arwa University Issue: 5


Many papers have reached the editorial board this year, and this, if anything, indicates the good reputation of the journal. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the fellow researchers who are constantly in contact with the journal and an apology from some for not being able to publish their research in this issue of ours, despite the approval of the arbitrators, due to the large number of research that I referred to at the beginning of the conversation. And I promise them that some of them, according to their relationship to the course of local and international events, will be published in the next issue.
In this issue of ours, the topics varied between social, financial and scientific topics. The nature of my position in the Journal of Queen Arwa University necessitated that the researches be submitted to me, so that I would browse them out of scientific curiosity before sending them for arbitration. While browsing the papers, one of them stopped me, and it was titled "The Environment of the Slums in Sana'a," and my curiosity increased in a way that forced me to read it in full. However, my curiosity was not satisfied by reading the research, but rather my desire for more information on the subject of poverty in general increased. So I spent more than a whole month, most of my time reading what I could from the local and international poverty literature, until what I got became nothing more than repetition.

I was so preoccupied with the subject that it became inseparable from me even during my sleep. This situation brought me back to the period of postgraduate studies when I was preoccupied with the subject of a master's degree and a doctorate. This concern or interest of mine led me to an idea, which may seem naive at first glance to many who will read this editorial. This idea, very simply, is represented in one thing, which is what the linguistic dictionary contains in the issue of poverty. After I settled my opinion on this subject, I started searching in the dictionary, following the following mechanism:

(1) Writing the word “poverty” in both English and Arabic (poverty and poverty).

(2) Divide the word into its letters (P, O, V, E, R, T, Y) and (F, Q, R).

(3) Writing down the words that begin with each letter of the word, which indicate poverty.

(4) Classifying the words after collecting them into axes, according to the axes that you collected from the study of poverty literature.

It turns out that the words in the English language are very many, reaching one hundred and thirty words in their minimum, compared to the words in the Arabic language, which reached their maximum limit of forty-four words. It is possible to attribute the reason for the difference in this to the activity of scientific research in Western countries, which provided the dictionary with a wealth of words, while the lack of research in the Arab world impoverished the Arab dictionary of such wealth.

Published: 2010-06-30

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