Vol. 14 No. 14 (2015): Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 14

Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 14


Dear researcher/reader

The issuance of this issue of the Queen Arwa University Journal comes as a true approach that embodies the role of scientific research in serving society, as this issue included a group of valuable studies in several fields, with a greater focus on the economic aspect, and its contribution to the advancement of society and countries.

The contents selected for this issue embody the belief of the magazine’s editors in the fact that scientific research in all its forms and levels derives its value and effectiveness through reviewing economic and social issues and working to provide solutions to them: such as the phenomenon of money laundering, reviewing its harmful economic effects on the individual and society, and reviewing effective methods. To combat it, as well as research in the field of sustainable development and its role in meeting the requirements and needs of the present without compromising the ability of generations, as the world faces the danger of environmental degradation that must be overcome, while not abandoning the needs of economic development, as well as equality and social justice capable of meeting its needs.

He also presented the topic of governance as an old modern term for dealing with the completion of decisions that set expectations, granting authority, or oversight, and linking it to agency theory in solving problems faced by organizations. As a separate process or as a specific part of management or command processes, or through a group of individuals that constitute a government to manage these processes and systems.

In addition to studying the effects of internal migration, its economic and social effects, and the extent of the permissibility of implementation on the funds of foreign countries in Yemeni law. We hope that the circumstances that Arab society is going through these days will not affect Arab scholars and thinkers, and that their scientific production, which is considered the basic structure of the renaissance, will continue.


Published: 2015-06-30

Scientific theses