Vol. 3 No. 3 (2008): Scientific Journal Referee Issue: 3

Queen Arwa University Issue: 3

Dear readers of the magazine: intellectuals, researchers, and academics, Queen Arwa University, the university that publishes this magazine (Queen Arwa Magazine), has decided for itself, since its inception in 1996, to follow the path of quality and qualitative work, and this magazine, in its third issue, is nothing but one of the scientific means. Which contributes to making the choice of quality a reality. The magazine, represented by its editorial board, in accordance with this option, senses the duty and works to understand the course of local, national and global events, and communicates with researchers and scholars interested in contemporary issues, and who have characteristics that meet the magazine’s choice, goals and aspirations, and urging them to address the basic issues that reflect the concerns of their local and regional community. It also communicates with prominent researchers from the Arab countries to contribute their visions and experiences in addressing national issues, because we are all in the same boat, and because the current practical language of the era is the language of unity and unity.

It is worth noting that this study, Jewish Papers, which is in our hands, presents to the reader serious scientific studies that have gone through stages of careful criticism and scientific examination, and have been approved twice: It was approved the first time, due to its suitability for publication, and in fact it has been published in high-level scientific journals. It was approved the second time, when it was subjected to scientific arbitration, in order to judge the prudence of its methodology and the scientificity of its content, at the hands of prominent scholars and thinkers with a high scientific reputation, including, for example; Professor Dr. Shibl Badran.

Published: 2008-06-30

Scientific theses