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Explanation of Reasons for Withdrawing Scientific Research from Publication in Queen Arwa University Journal

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Explanation Page for Withdrawn Scientific Research in Queen Arwa University Journal

All articles redirected to this page are articles that have been withdrawn from publication for the following reasons:

  • OJS Journal Management System (OJS) quality testing articles conducted during advanced development.
  • Duplicate articles that were published and indexed without attention to duplication.
  • Articles that were withdrawn from publication by decision of the scientific committee and the editorial board due to violations of publication rules.


Queen Arwa University Journal is a prestigious scientific platform for publishing sound scientific research, committed to the highest standards of quality and integrity. The policy of withdrawing scientific research from publication aims to ensure the publication of accurate and value-added scientific research for the academic community, while respecting the rights of researchers and the ethics of scientific publication.

Reasons for Withdrawing Scientific Research from Publication:

  • Non-compliance with publication standards: Research may be withdrawn from publication if it does not meet the journal's standards in terms of form and content, such as:

    • Failure to follow the specified formatting and structuring rules.
    • Presence of substantial grammatical or linguistic errors.
    • Lack of clarity or logical organization of ideas.
    • Insufficient information or lack of adequate evidence to support findings.
    • Lack of original scientific contribution or added value to the field.
  • Plagiarism: Research will be definitively withdrawn from publication if plagiarism from other sources is proven without proper citation.

  • Unethical behavior: Research may be withdrawn from publication if one of the researchers is found to be involved in unethical behavior, such as:

    • Falsifying data or fabricating results.
    • Manipulating research data or hiding important information.
    • Stealing ideas or results from others.
    • Infringing on intellectual property rights.
  • Responding to peer reviews: Researchers must respond to reviewers' comments and feedback in a serious and professional manner, demonstrating a willingness to improve their research and meet the journal's requirements.

    • Research may be withdrawn from publication if researchers repeatedly ignore reviewers' comments or provide unsatisfactory responses.

Procedures for Withdrawing Scientific Research from Publication:

  1. Research Review: All research submitted for publication is reviewed by experts in the field of research.

  2. Communication with Researchers: In case of publishing violations, researchers are contacted to give them an opportunity to explain their position and make the necessary changes to the research.

  3. Withdrawal Decision: The journal's scientific committee makes the decision to withdraw the research from publication based on its assessment of the violations and the extent of the researchers' response.

  4. Notifying Researchers: Researchers are officially notified of the decision to withdraw the research from publication, with an explanation of the reasons.

  5. Removing Research from the Website: If the withdrawal of the research from publication is confirmed, it is removed from the journal's website.

Researchers' Rights:

  • Right of Appeal: Researchers have the right to appeal against the decision to withdraw the research from publication, providing evidence and justifications to support their position.

  • Confidentiality of Information: All information related to publication, review, and decision-making processes is treated with the utmost confidentiality.


Queen Arwa University Journal emphasizes the importance of adhering to the highest standards of quality and integrity in publishing scientific research. The policy of withdrawing scientific research from publication aims to ensure the accuracy and credibility of published research, and to promote ethical practices in the field of scientific publishing.