Directions required of Arab universities to serve the globalized knowledge society




The research aims to identify the required orientations of Arab universities in serving the knowledge society, by answering the following questions:
- What is globalization? What are the most prominent episodes?
What do some scientific studies indicate about its impact on university education? - What are the stages of development of universities and their functions?
In the community ?
- What are the researcher's conclusions regarding the directions required of Arab universities in serving the knowledge society?
In order to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher looked at some literature and scientific studies related to its subject and used the descriptive analytical approach to process the information collected to come up with answers to questions.
The search shows:
Globalization is any changes that arise in a region of the world that quickly move to other regions of the world, creating a kind of interdependence between them, and to a degree that is often unequal, so that the stronger region dominates over the weaker ones. The episodes of globalization are represented in satellite television broadcasting, the global market and the Internet. These episodes have affected the social, economic, political and educational life of the Arab man and his university educational institutions through the stages of their development, especially the stage of orientation towards knowledge economies since 1991. The features of this development are still unstable under the rule of what is known as the society. Knowledge, which added a new function to the functions of the university, as this society is the one whose members possess information freely with its circulation and dissemination easily as a result of possessing the technologies of globalization, especially information and communication technologies in order to serve the community and improve the quality of life in it.
The most prominent general features of the knowledge society are: looking at knowledge as a productive element, thought leaders occupying the top of the social pyramid, the rule of the knowledge economy and the emergence of knowledge workers.
As for the most important directions required from universities
Arabic is in the service of the knowledge society, it is: improving the quality of university education and diversifying it, preserving trained forces with cognitive skills, increasing interest in e-learning and its ethics, and caring for the humanities due to their importance in preserving the Arab-Islamic identity.

Directions required of Arab universities to serve the globalized knowledge society


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How to Cite

Bahri, P. M. Y. (2006). Directions required of Arab universities to serve the globalized knowledge society. Queen Arwa University Journal, 2(2), 14.
