Absorbing the Yemeni private universities law with the requirements of higher education governance





Higher Education Institutions , Higher Education Governance , Yemeni Private Universities Law


Enabling Yemeni universities to raise their international rankings, and to cope with the imbalance in achieving their assumed functions, the Yemen need to implement good Higher Education Governance (HEG) within comprehensive education reforms. Among the most important HEG mechanisms are the laws governing universities. The research objective is to identify the suitability of the Yemeni law to HEG requirements. To achieve this objective, the researcher used descriptive approach by content analysis of the Yemeni Law and its executive regulation; and by comparing them with the universities governance requirements. In addition, introduced alternative requirements that are consistent with successful models in universities governance. The researcher found that there are in Yemeni Private Universities Law a few basic requirements that support good governance, on the other hand there are many articles that do not comply with HEG requirements as a result of either the current law did not impose many HEG practices entirely or there are some current articles are conflicted  or containing gaps. The research concluded that the current law enabled the private universities owners to dominating the university's decision.


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How to Cite

Al-Mohammadi, D. Q. (2020). Absorbing the Yemeni private universities law with the requirements of higher education governance. Queen Arwa University Journal, 24(24), 19. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i24.105


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