The Impact of Political and Social Transformations on the Attire of the Political Elite

from 1948 to 2004




Political and Social Transformations , Attire of Political Elite , Yemen


This study analyzes the impact of political and social transformations on the attire of the political elite in Yemen from 1948 to 2004. The study shows that the attire of Yemen's political elite was significantly influenced by the individuals' cultural, social, and political background, as well as the political and social transformations that Yemen underwent. The attire of political leaders in Yemen reflected their culture, class affiliation, and social status. The study indicates that the political elite was clearly affected by changing political conditions, as changes in attire mirrored shifts in political and social structures. For instance, the traditional attire of judges and tribal leaders indicated their high status in society, whereas the modern attire of new military and political leaders reflected the shifts towards modernization and change. Studying the attire of the political elite provides a deeper understanding of Yemen's political and social history and helps analyze the political and social dynamics that have shaped the country over the past decades.



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Author Biography

  • Dr. Balqis Abu Osbaa, Sana'a University

     Associate Professor, in the Department of Sociology, Sana'a University


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How to Cite

Abu Osbaa, D. B. (2005). The Impact of Political and Social Transformations on the Attire of the Political Elite: from 1948 to 2004. Queen Arwa University Journal, 1(1), 22.


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