Yemeni agricultural cooperatives in the face of economic developments




The global economy in general, and the Western economy in particular, entered the stage of huge economic entities, and the manifestations of monopoly on the part of these entities became clear in the movement of the global economy. This Europe is highly united, especially in the economic field, and those are the other economic blocs led by the United States of America or other countries. All of them have caused clear, large and rapid economic transformations.
These and other transformations have made the country before a new global economy based on advanced economic methods and international relations governed by the principle of mutual interests, and then the developing and least developed countries - and Yemen among them - must have something to offer in order to get what it needs, so there is no support, aid or Grants except through the exchange of interests, and in order for us to have something to offer to the global market, we must be distinguished by the ability to compete in terms of quality, quality, price and other economic requirements that govern the global market today.
This makes it necessary for us to reconsider the methods of economic management in state institutions and various sectors, the objectives and methods of using available resources, and the efficiency of data and the existing institutional systems in society, foremost among which are cooperatives in general and agricultural cooperatives in particular.

Yemeni agricultural cooperatives in the face of economic developments


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How to Cite

Nassib, P. R., & Albar, I. H. (2011). Yemeni agricultural cooperatives in the face of economic developments. Queen Arwa University Journal, 7(7), 15.
