The Position of Arab States on Normalization and Its Educational Implications




Normalization , Arab Politics , Educational Implications


This study aimed to examine the position of Arab political leaders regarding normalization with Israel, determining whether it is a principled or tactical stance, and to explore the educational implications of this position on educational institutions, focusing on the Republic of Yemen as a model. The study concluded that there are two concepts of normalization: the first refers to establishing normal relations between two states, and the second to restoring natural relations after they have been strained. The study found that economic and security interests are the main drivers for normalization and that the nature of Israel's existence is illegal, making normalization unlawful. It also showed that Yemen's stance aligns with other Arab states and that Yemeni educational institutions have been notably affected by normalization stances.



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Author Biography

  • Dr. Amatulsalam Jahaf, Queen Arwa University

    Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sana'a University.


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How to Cite

Jahaf, D. A. (2005). The Position of Arab States on Normalization and Its Educational Implications. Queen Arwa University Journal, 1(1), 26.


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