The role of graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education in improving administrative performance in sports federations




Sports Education , Sports federations , Administrative performance


Sport is a sophisticated activity that has a social function and a cultural role in shaping the heritage of nations and societies. It also has its historical depth as a social system that derived its strength from societies’ needs for it in managing the work of federations, clubs, and sports institutions, where physical education graduates play a fundamental and effective role in directing sports and administrative activity in every country. From different countries of the world, this important segment enjoys a specialized sports culture that pushes the sports movement in their countries forward through its leadership of sports federations and clubs and the responsibility they have in this field. The study aimed to identify:
The administrative tasks that fall on the shoulders of physical education graduates in administrative work in sports federations, as well as identifying the point of view of sports leaders regarding the extent to which physical education graduates absorb work in youth sports federations and bodies. It also aimed to urge physical education graduates to work according to their sports specializations by introducing them to the importance of Specialized administrative work. This is done through a random sample of (60) members of sports federations, as they have experienced administrative and technical work and evaluated their employees who are graduates of physical education. The researchers used the descriptive approach for its suitability and the nature of the study. The researchers also used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data, and for the purpose of statistical treatments. The researchers used arithmetic averages, frequencies, and percentages. The researchers arrived at the most important results, which we summarize as follows: Sports federations do not work with full responsibility with regard to benefiting from qualified cadres in the sports field who are graduates of physical education. Physical education graduates also have an effective influence within sports federations in developing the administrative work in the federations whenever they are given the opportunity to carry out tasks within these federations.


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How to Cite

Jaim, D. H. S., & Jaim, D. N. S. (2014). The role of graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education in improving administrative performance in sports federations. Queen Arwa University Journal, 12(12), 14.


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