Planning cities in East Asian countries and the extent to which they are used - China as a model

An Analytical Study of Chinese Town Planning - Standards and Applications


  • Dr. Abdo Thabet Mohammed Al-Absi Queen Arwa University   image/svg+xml Author



Town planning , East Asian countries , Civilization models , urban planning


In order to improve the planning and environmental level of Yemeni cities in particular and some Arab cities, it requires searching for a clear methodology and deliberation of how to prepare them to accommodate the accelerating changes that characterized and characterize contemporary cities. state, taking into account the local characteristics of each city, provided that these legislations include the normative foundations specified for the preparation of general plans for cities so that they can be directed and controlled for their growth according to a prior strategic vision, followed by the work of standards for the detailed plans that are legislatively linked to the hierarchical system from the public to the private and from the whole to the part The study touched on the possibility of achieving this idea by benefiting from the experiences of cities in East Asian countries, especially the Chinese experience as a model in setting legislation and planning standards for cities and their applications, in the light of which most contemporary Chinese cities were planned, re-planned, modified and controlled, and through which they achieved great successes in re-configuring them. To accommodate all the developmental and urban changes and developments that its cities are currently going through, with high efficiency, superior success, continuous harmonization, and within a short period of time, during which theoretical work was integrated and applied, and results were drawn and then reformulated and applied in practice, which is usually difficult for countries and cities to achieve so quickly.


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How to Cite

Al-Absi, D. A. T. M. (2009). Planning cities in East Asian countries and the extent to which they are used - China as a model: An Analytical Study of Chinese Town Planning - Standards and Applications. Queen Arwa University Journal, 4(4), 24.


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