The Relationship between student's High School grade point average and their average scores on college Entrance Examinations at Sana'a University.




High School Grade Point Average , College Entrance Examination , Admissions Criteria , city – rural students, admitted – not admitted students , professional and applied colleges


The purpose of this study was  to understand the relationship between students'  high School Grade Point Average (HSGPA) and their average scores on College Entrance Examinations (CEE) at Seven of Sana'a University professional and applied colleges(Medicine, pharmacy.

Dentistry, laboratory, Engineering Computer science, Education).   

 The Population (and the Sample) of the Study was all the 4898 students applied to, and took, the Entrance Examinations of those colleges in the academic year 2009-2010.

     Using the data base of those 4898 applicants provided by the Admissions Office of Sana'a University, SPSS program was used to calculate parentages, means, standard deviations, correlation coefficients, simple regression and t-test.

The four main findings of the study were as follow:         

-There were very weak  (and  in most cases negative) correlation coefficients between(HSGPA) and (CEE).

-The variance in students' scores on the (CEE) explained by their (HSGPA) was very low and insignificant.

-There were significant differences between the  means of students' (HSGPA) due to place of birth(city -rural), gender(male-female)m and the decision of the college( admitted-not –admitted), and they were in favor of city students, female Students ,and admitted students.

-finally, There were significant differences between the means of students scores on the (CEE) due to place of birth( city-rural), gender(male-female) and the decision of the college( admitted-not –admitted), and they were in favor of city students, female students, and admitted students.

The study concluded with a discussion of  the implications of these findings for  admissions policy, particularly for students  from rural areas, and offered severed recommendations and suggestions for the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Yemeni Universities, and for Educational Researchers.


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How to Cite

Al-Ghaithi, D. A. M. (2012). The Relationship between student’s High School grade point average and their average scores on college Entrance Examinations at Sana’a University. Queen Arwa University Journal, 8(8), 46.


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