Sneezing and its jurisprudence

Comparative study




sneeze , Jurisprudence provisions , yawning , manners


Praise be to God, we praise Him as it should be for the majesty of His countenance and the greatness of His authority, and prayers and peace be upon the seal of His prophets, Muhammad al-Sadiq al-Amin, his family and companions, and those who followed his path, followed his path, until the Day of Judgment.
God Almighty has worshiped us with His great law, and made it obligatory for us to learn its sciences, comprehend its origins, know its branches, differentiate between what is permissible and what is forbidden, and act upon its rulings, so that we may walk on its basis in building our belief and the society in which we live, and in order to return to it in straightening our crookedness. And refine ourselves, and reform all the affairs of our lives, why all that? Because God Almighty is the one who created all of creation, including the sons of Adam, and He knows what works for them and what corrupts them, and therefore it is a complete religion, fulfilling the purposes of mankind, a religion from the worshiped Creator, to the worshiping creature, who is obligated to follow Him, implement His commands, and avoid His prohibitions. A comprehensive and complete religion, valid for all times and places, a religion that treats all people’s small issues before the big ones, leaving no stray or incoming except between them. The Most High said: The truthful and trustworthy, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, expressed it with all goodness, and he said - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - “Whoever God wants good for, He gives him understanding in religion.” () Research in the field of jurisprudence is for the sake of research, as the honor of knowledge is one of the honor of the known, and the science of jurisprudence is among the most Science is attached to people’s daily lives, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, clarified many matters, including those related to worldly matters, such as acts of worship, dealings, morals, etiquette, and other worldly matters, including those related to other matters, such as reckoning and punishment, heaven and hell, and other matters of the hereafter. We are concerned here with matters related to the lives of people in the life of this world, including the phenomenon of sneezing, which afflicts every human being, whether Muslim or infidel, male or female, old or young, ruler or ruled, and no distinction is made between anyone, and man has known this phenomenon since ancient times. time, and he knew that sneezing brings him happiness, comfort and relief, so he used a method to stimulate the lining of the nose to cause the phenomenon of sneezing, by inserting ears of herbs or bird feathers or by inhaling irritating substances such as perfumes, all of which leads to severe irritation in the lining of the nose and its sensory nerves, which results in the occurrence of The phenomenon of sneezing, and the resulting feeling of relief and relief, which drew my attention to writing on the topic of sneezing, is the promotion of the phenomenon of sneezing by satellite channels, and that it is a major cause of the transmission of intercontinental diseases (such as swine flu - and bird flu) so that the World Health Organization considered this Diseases are a global epidemic, and most countries have allocated huge budgets for it to limit its spread. Several questions came to my mind, including:
What does sneezing mean? and yawn? And gloating? And praise? And pray for guidance and mend the mind? What is the wisdom of sneezing? Does it have an origin in the law? Why did God Almighty command the sneeze to praise God? And why is it obligatory for the hearer to gloat while sneezing? What are the etiquette of sneezing? What is the wisdom and interest of these manners? All these questions prompted me to move forward in researching the subject of sneezing and its jurisprudential rulings.


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How to Cite

Al-Awar, D. M. S. (2012). Sneezing and its jurisprudence: Comparative study. Queen Arwa University Journal, 9(9), 17.


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