The Required Trends from Arab Universities for Serving the Globalized Knowledge Society




Globalization , Knowledge Society , University Education


This research aims to identify the required trends for Arab universities to adapt to the globalized knowledge society, which has become a hallmark of the modern era. The study discusses the concept of globalization and its various dimensions, such as economic, cultural, and social globalization, and their profound impact on university education in terms of curricula, teaching methods, and the development of scientific research, as indicated by previous studies. It also reviews the developmental stages of universities, from traditional education to knowledge economy-based education, highlighting the changing roles of universities in society and their pivotal role in achieving sustainable development. The research focuses on defining the knowledge society, characterized by its reliance on technology and information across all fields of life, and outlines its general and specific characteristics. The study employs a descriptive analytical method to review existing literature and answer the posed questions to reach clear conclusions about the necessary trends for Arab universities to serve the globalized knowledge society. These trends include improving the quality of university education, expanding academic specializations, enhancing scientific research, retaining local scientific competencies, and developing humanities studies to preserve the Arab nation's identity amidst global challenges.


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Mona Younis Bahri, Queen Arwa University

     Professor of Sociology, Queen Arwa University.


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How to Cite

Bahri, P. M. Y. (2006). The Required Trends from Arab Universities for Serving the Globalized Knowledge Society. Queen Arwa University Journal, 2(2), 39-51.


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