Marketing obstacles faced by non-oil commodity exports in the Republic of Yemen

Referring to some agricultural and fish products


  • Dr. Faiq Jumaa Hamza Al-Obaidi Queen Arwa University   image/svg+xml Author



النفط , المعوقات , الثروة السمكية , الاحصاء


Depending on the indispensable basis, which is the trade exchange between the various countries of the world, where no country in the world can close its borders and suffice with what it has of resources and products, the process of marketing various products and commodities has become a preoccupation of countries as well as companies and institutions of the private sector alike. As the continuity of the economies of the countries and the continuity of the work of the private sector companies all depend on the possibility of marketing their products with the profits they generate that keep them existing and effective in addition to the benefits they achieve for individuals and satisfying the different and renewable needs wherever they are, as well as achieving benefits for the society in a way that leads to the creation of continuous development processes and on At all levels, this is what the modern concept of marketing is.
Based on what was mentioned in the introduction above, the research under study wanted the researcher to show the importance of marketing non-oil products and commodities in Yemen by referring to some agricultural products as well as fish products. Which is faced by the marketing process in the Yemeni institutions related to the export of such products, and therefore this came through the importance that is required to be given to such a vital part that complements the production process, as the delivery of goods and marketing them to the markets that need them is not a simple work, and accordingly, and through simple statistics and data that have been Collecting them, the researcher emphasizes the necessity of hiring such marketing jobs for specialists so that Yemeni institutions can obtain marketing opportunities and seize them from among the many who plan to do so. Therefore, one of the main reasons that the researcher found important is that it is one of the obstacles to the export process of the products under discussion, which is the lack of marketing studies. Scientific and focused on foreign markets due to the lack of specialized marketing research centers that carry out this task, and the weakness in the relationship between the various parties whose tasks include marketing and exporting Yemeni products is also one of the main reasons, which became clear to the researcher through the questionnaire that he carried out.

The researcher divided the study into three sections. He found that it is very important to address the oil production, which he found to represent about 90% of the gross domestic product, in order to confirm that Yemen is one of the developing oil-producing countries, and that its economy is also one of the unilateral economies that depend on resources. Oil in drawing up its development policy, as well as defining the policy or attempts of public spending, and therefore we find that almost all financial, monetary and commercial policies depend on this natural resource.
The researcher also found that the trade balance fluctuated and fluctuated during the years in which he found the data required for that, all because of the rise and fall in global oil prices, and this is what causes economic crises and the instability of the pillars of the national economy.
As for the second topic, the researcher reviewed the exports of some agricultural products and commodities, as well as fish products, whose insignificance and instability became clear for many reasons, including, as mentioned in the first topic, the dependence on exporting oil and caring for it exclusively as the spoiled son at a time when the exports of oil products themselves are diminishing in addition to The neglect suffered by the agricultural sector and the interest in some of its products that do not generate hard currency for the country, such as the qat product, as it consumes about 30% of the water allocated for agriculture, in addition to pushing some farmers interested in growing grains or fruits to refrain from that and rush towards the cultivation of qat, which It yields for them many times more than the cultivation of grains and fruits, for example. The researcher also found a lack of interest in cultivating the coffee crop, which is considered one of the best types of coffee in the world, due to the lack of incentives for farmers and not encouraging them to do so by supporting exporters, all because of the lack of a fund or bank. To support exporters, even if it exists, it is ineffective and does not perform its role properly, as indicated by the data of the results of the questionnaire.
As for the third topic, the questionnaire and the analysis of the results had the largest share in it, as it became clear through it the true picture of the causes of weakness in the marketing and export of Yemeni products. It is believed that this is a step on the path of interest and correcting the paths of export marketing in Yemen, hoping that it will be a miserable scientific beginning.


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How to Cite

Al-Obaidi, D. F. J. H. (2010). Marketing obstacles faced by non-oil commodity exports in the Republic of Yemen: Referring to some agricultural and fish products. Queen Arwa University Journal, 5(5), 37.


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