Contemporary international diplomacy and its effects on Yemeni diplomacy
Diplomatic History , International Relations , Foreign PolicyAbstract
This research reviews the development of diplomatic relations within the context of the history of international relations. The research confirms that diplomacy reflects the history of interactions between countries as independent entities and is concerned with the impact of internal politics on external relations. The research focuses on the importance of understanding economic, political, and geographic factors in shaping foreign policy. The research indicates that diplomacy depends on the approach of peace and war to achieve the set goals, with an analysis of the various concepts of diplomacy and their development. The research believes that diplomacy includes many meanings, including foreign policy and the methods used to achieve it. The study also shows the importance of agreements and treaties in regulating relations between countries. The research concludes with the importance of understanding diplomacy as a comprehensive concept that extends from peaceful interactions to military confrontations and its importance in achieving national and international goals.
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