Armed gangs in Yemeni legislation


  • Prof. Saad Ibrahim Al-Adhami Queen Arwa University  image/svg+xml Author



التشريع اليمني , العصابة المسلحة


If the laws have severely punished those who aim at national unity and stir up discord and fighting among the population, or who occupies or destroys or damages public facilities, then the need for punishment against those who participate in an armed gang seems more necessary and more necessary, and the issue of forming and organizing gatherings with the aim of Committing a crime or crimes against the internal security of the state is considered a very serious phenomenon in the field of internal security of the state. Therefore, most of the Arab and foreign criminal legislation dealt with the criminalization of this type of crime.
I divided this study into five sections. The first topic dealt with the legislative development of the armed gang crime in Yemeni legislation.
As for the second topic, it included the armed gang crime in some Arab legislation, which came with two demands. We devoted the first requirement to the texts of the armed gang crime in some Arab criminal legislation. As for the second requirement, it dealt with the provisions of the armed gang crime in some foreign legislation.
The third topic dealt with the elements of the crime of participation in the armed gang in both forms contained in the text of Article (133) of the Yemeni Crimes and Penal Code.
And the fourth topic showed the general provisions in the crime of participating in an armed gang, such as incitement, participation in the criminal agreement, and exemption from punishment.
The fifth and final topic dealt with the penalty for participating in an armed gang.


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Criminet Et De Legistation Penale Comparee Sirex (Peris-1947) .



How to Cite

Al-Adhami, P. S. I. . (2010). Armed gangs in Yemeni legislation. Queen Arwa University Journal, 5(5), 20.


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