Effect of a rehabilitation –training program upon some physical and physiological variables on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients





Physical activity , Physical exercise , Diabetes mellitus , agreements , Diabetes mellitus type 2 , Cholesterol


This research aims to put a suggested rehabilitation-training program for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and to know the effect of this program upon some physical and physiological variables on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The researcher utilized experimental method with designing of two groups (experimental and control). The sample include (20) patients which have been selected deliberately and divided randomly to two equal groups by (10) patients for every group . The suggested program was applied with the experimental group in the period of (8) weeks , by (3) training  weekly, and (60) minutes for every training unit. After statistical treatment the researcher found a positive effect of the program with significant differences on all physical and physiological variables of experimental group .

The researcher recommends to include this program in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients by using cardiac reserve individually .


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أولاً : المراجع العربية

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How to Cite

Haider, D. M. A. (2012). Effect of a rehabilitation –training program upon some physical and physiological variables on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Queen Arwa University Journal, 9(9), 22. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i9.53


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