


GRAMMAR , students , SPOKEN , LEARNERS , skills


          The objective of thiscurrentstudy is toinvestigate the null hypothesis saying that the 4th level students of the English Departments, education faculty and arts college, Thamar University <Yemen>, have no meaningfully significant relationship in their grammar acquisition and their oral competencies. The total number of the sample of population was 105, 91 education faculty students and 14 arts college students. They were between24 and27 years old. The language which they speak is Arabic. The multiple-choice test is composed of the 27 grammatical items which were divided and categorized into 8 items, Wh-Word, Verb to Be, Verb to do, Perfect Tense, Modals, Future Tense, Clauses ( That-Clause, Complement Wh-Clauses ), Conditional Sentence. In addition to the performance of the multiple-choice test which is based on the grammatical and spoken tasks which were taught to the students at the first and second levels of the two academic years, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, they were asked to describe the grammatical rule of each item of the test in order to see whether or not there was a correlation between the learners’ grammar acquisition and their oral skills. Additionally, it was expected that the students could have learnt the English grammar successfully and in the meantime it was expected that they would have answered most, if not all, the 27 grammatical items of the multiple-choice test which they performed in the 1st semester of the academic year, 2005/2006. The findings of the grammatical rules description and the multiple-choice test accept and support the null hypothesis of the research whereas the t-test value (p. <0.05) and F value (p. <0.05) reject it and indicate that at the two English departments of the two faculties, the female students have achieved better results than the male students and the arts college students in fact proved that they are much more aware of the grammar usage in different social tasks and/or different social situations than the education faculty students.


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How to Cite

Al-Fotih, D. T. A. (2011). THE LEARNERS’ GRAMMAR AND THEIR SPOKEN ENGLISH COMPETENCIES : A PILOT STUDY. Queen Arwa University Journal, 6(6), 24.


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