The role of sports media in spreading women’s sports from the point of view of students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Sana’a University




Sports Media , Women’s Sports , Republic of Yemen


The study aimed at identifying the media role in publicizing women sports from the students perspective  in Faculty of Sports and the differences of that role with variables of gender and student level. The sample was composed of 330 students of both genders. The researcher used a questionnaire designed by Shereen Abydat, Yarmouk University in Jordan to collect data. It was consisted of 42 parts that handle four types of sports; competition, fitness, leisure time, and profession.

The researcher used the average, percentage، Standard Deviation, the F Distribution, and Analysis of Variance – ANOVA to statistically analyze the data.

The results showed a modest effort  in playing a good role spreading women sports in relation to all the types of sports which  identically reflected the same viewpoint of the sample of the study.  

The researcher recommends to have more sport programs in media that signify the physical, healthy and psychological importance of practicing sports.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Abdulghani M. Mutahar, Sana'a University

    Faculty of Physical Education, Sana'a University
    Mobile phone (773403437)


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المواقع الالكترونية



How to Cite

Mutahar, D. A. M. . (2014). The role of sports media in spreading women’s sports from the point of view of students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Sana’a University. Queen Arwa University Journal, 13(13), 177-205.


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