Water pollution crimes in Algerian law





Water Pollution , Algerian law , the environment


Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of criminal protection of water from acts of pollution in Algerian law, and to determine the extent of its compatibility with the general principles of criminal law.


Analyzing the legal texts that govern the research topic.
Analytical approach: examining legal texts to control the elements, types and descriptions of water pollution crimes.
Descriptive approach: defining the concept of the aquatic environment and the concept of water pollution and its forms.

The environmental conditions in Algeria deteriorated, which led to the adoption of legislation consecrating the environment with unified legal protection.
Criminal protection falls within this protection because it is necessary to protect the basic values of society.
The Algerian legislator added criminal protection for water from acts of pollution based on two basic laws and their regulatory and executive decrees.
The following problem was raised: What is the effectiveness of these laws in establishing criminal protection for water from acts of pollution? Do they agree with the general principles of criminal law or do they impose their specificity?

Evaluating the effectiveness of criminal protection of water from acts of pollution requires analysis of legal texts and their application to reality.
It is important to review and update environmental laws to ensure their compatibility with general principles of criminal law and with international standards for environmental protection.


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How to Cite

Halima, D. T. (2014). Water pollution crimes in Algerian law. Queen Arwa University Journal, 10(10), 11. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i10.77


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