Strategic planning for human resources in Yemeni establishments




Strategic Planning , HR , Yemeni establishments


       The study aims to illustrate and identify the reality of strategic planning to human resources and to have knowledge about the most important obstructions and problems which obstruct the strategic plan of human resources. In addition, the study also explains specifically the future plan associated with the qualification and training programs of the human resources.


To establishing and achieving the aims of the study, a questionnaire layout has been designed specifically to know attitudes, approaches and views in relation to the examined sample, as well, the whole study be in concerned with the public and private organizations and institutions in Sana'a governorate, Taiz and Hoddiadah. A specifically or randomly sample has been selected for this purpose.


The selected sample consists of 115 employees represent six work institutions in management human resources. The resulted number of analytical questionnaires which are reliable to be used reached of 92. Moreover, the F-Test and Spss are the selected styles used to expose and analyze the data of the study.


 Finally, the study concluded and summarized the following important results:­


- The nonexistence of clear strategic plan to management human



- The nonexistence of clear strategic plan to train and qualify human



- The nonexistence of trained and qualified cadres to achieve the task of

   strategic plan of the human resources.


  • The nonexistence of material and financial resources which are

     necessary for strategic plan of the human resources.


As well, the study reached to some recommendations which can be taken in consideration to improve the strategic plan field of the human resources in the Republic of Yemen.


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How to Cite

Al-Waki, D. M. N. (2014). Strategic planning for human resources in Yemeni establishments. Queen Arwa University Journal, 10(10), 26.


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