The reality of strategic vigilance and business intelligence in Algerian business organizations




vigilance Strategy , Business Intelligence , Competitive Advantage , Algerian business organizations


To improve performance and increase effectiveness institutions are seeking to keep up with the latest developments in the world of information and communication for the application of business intelligence at all levels. According to specialists in this field, this concept means proactive in doing all the work that enables an organization to make  good decisions in a timely manner on the basis of the information and knowledge in their possession.

We tackle the issue of "vigilance and strategic business intelligence and their role in the Algerian business organizations” by addressing the concept of business intelligence and vigilance strategy of various kinds, and their importance in dealing with competition and gaining more market shares


The study obtained a set of results, including: business organizations are interested in the Algerian intelligence business, but do not control its stages, and do not have the physical and human resources necessary for its application. Concerning this issue, the Algerian programs are judged unsatisfactory.


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How to Cite

Zogheib, D. M., & Ghallab, D. N. (2011). The reality of strategic vigilance and business intelligence in Algerian business organizations. Queen Arwa University Journal, 7(7), 13.


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