The Role of Organizational Culture in Achieving Competitive Advantage

A Case Study of the Yemeni Omani United Telecommunications Company (YOU)


  • Mohammed A. S. Al-Kuhali Emirates International University, Yemen image/svg+xml Author



Organizational Culture , Competitive Advantage , Yemeni Omani Telecommunications


This study aims to understand the role of organizational culture in achieving competitive advantage in the Yemeni Omani United Telecommunications Company (YOU). A sample of 139 employees from the company was selected for the study. The researcher used a descriptive analytical approach and a questionnaire comprising two main axes; the first focused on organizational culture, including values, beliefs, and expectations, and the second on competitive advantage, including quality, innovation, and cost. The results showed that organizational culture significantly impacts achieving competitive advantage in the company, with a single increase in organizational culture contributing to an improvement in competitive advantage by 0.808. The explained variance of competitive advantage was 57.8% attributable to organizational culture. The study revealed that organizational values had the highest impact with an average rating of 3.77, followed by organizational expectations at 3.69, and organizational beliefs at 3.45. Additionally, the study found a statistically significant positive relationship between all dimensions of organizational culture and competitive advantage, highlighting the importance of enhancing organizational values, beliefs, and expectations to achieve higher competitiveness.

The Role of Organizational Culture in Achieving Competitive Advantage


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Author Biography

  • Mohammed A. S. Al-Kuhali, Emirates International University, Yemen

    Emirates International University, Yemen




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How to Cite

Al-Kuhali, M. A. S. (2023). The Role of Organizational Culture in Achieving Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of the Yemeni Omani United Telecommunications Company (YOU). Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 24.


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