Democratic Values in Arab University Curricula

Content Analysis Tool




Democratic Values , University Curricula , Education and Politics


This research explores the close relationship between university education and politics, emphasizing the importance of education in shaping citizens' thoughts, values, and behaviors. The study underscores that education and politics are two sides of the same coin, with nations striving for development through leaders who possess critical and creative thinking. As the primary institution for specialized knowledge transfer, the university aims to fulfill the state's mission of societal advancement. The research focuses on the university's role in promoting democracy through educational curricula and proposes analytical tools to assess the extent to which democratic values are integrated into university curricula. The democratic values emphasized include freedom, justice, equality, and responsibility, fostering an academic environment that helps form enlightened leaders contributing to societal development.


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Mona Younis Bahri, Queen Arwa University

    Professor in the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Queen Arwa University.


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How to Cite

Bahri, P. M. Y. (2005). Democratic Values in Arab University Curricula: Content Analysis Tool. Queen Arwa University Journal, 1(1), 14.


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