The Media We Want


  • Dr. Nibal Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Atoom Al-Hussein Bin Talal University image/svg+xml Author
  • Dr.Habis Mohammad Khalifah Hattamleh Jadara University image/svg+xml Author
  • Dr. Mahmoud Haroun Ali Nawafleh Al-Hussein Bin Talal University image/svg+xml Author



Islamic Media , Media Impact , Arab Community Identity



This research focuses on the importance and impact of media in the lives of individuals and societies, and the necessity of reviewing contemporary media to align it with Islam and the identity of the Arab Muslim community. The study is divided into four sections, each addressing various aspects. Key points discussed include that media is a process of transmitting a message from a sender to a receiver using various means and methods to convey reality truthfully and shape public opinion. The research highlights the significance of media in reflecting religious beliefs, intellectual trends, and social and political circumstances. It reviews the elements of the media process, the theories it is based on, and the multiple functions of media such as news transmission, social upbringing, motivation creation, economic roles, education, and entertainment. The study also points out the responsibilities of media and the importance of regulating it to ensure the dissemination of accurate information and the enhancement of social values. It emphasizes the need to establish Islamic media to preserve and strengthen the identity of the Muslim community, asserting the feasibility of creating media that meets contemporary requirements and methods.


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Author Biographies

  • Dr. Nibal Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Atoom, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

    Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan.

  • Dr.Habis Mohammad Khalifah Hattamleh, Jadara University

    Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Jadara University, Jordan

  • Dr. Mahmoud Haroun Ali Nawafleh, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

    Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan


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Scientific theses


How to Cite

Al-Atoom, D. N. M. I., Hattamleh, D. M. K., & Nawafleh, D. M. H. A. (2015). The Media We Want. Queen Arwa University Journal, 15(15), 145-173.


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