The Limits of the Principle of Parliamentary Irresponsibility in the Yemeni Constitutional System

A Comparative Analytical Study




Parliamentary Irresponsibility , Yemeni Constitutional System , Parliamentary Immunity


The principle of parliamentary irresponsibility is a crucial safeguard established by constitutions to protect members of parliament, allowing them the freedom to express their views without fear. This principle is not for personal benefit but to ensure the effective functioning of parliamentary work. The Yemeni constitutional system uniquely defines the scope of this principle, excluding defamation and slander from its protection. This study evaluates this specific determination in light of comparative constitutional systems and clarifies its justifications. The study highlights the importance of balancing the freedom of expression for parliament members with the necessity to respect the law and Islamic Sharia, which is a primary source of legislation in Yemen. It also explores the historical development of the principle in various systems and emphasizes the need to adhere to its boundaries to achieve parliamentary efficiency without excess or negligence.


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Author Biography

  • Esmail Yahya Badr-Aldeen, Queen Arwa University

    Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Dean of Graduate Studies, Queen Arwa University.


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How to Cite

Badr-Aldeen, E. Y. (2015). The Limits of the Principle of Parliamentary Irresponsibility in the Yemeni Constitutional System: A Comparative Analytical Study. Queen Arwa University Journal, 15(15), 101-121.


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