Doctor's Responsibility in Artificial Insemination


  • Dr. Sawsan Saleh Ahmed Awad Al-Hadrami Taiz University image/svg+xml Author



Doctor's Responsibility , Artificial Insemination , Religious Fatwas


This study addresses the doctor's responsibility in artificial insemination procedures, which are contemporary medical issues that have witnessed significant progress. The research explores the legal and ethical frameworks governing these procedures, highlighting the importance of balancing scientific advancements with maintaining religious boundaries. The study also discusses various aspects of civil liability of doctors and their commitment to applying precise medical standards to avoid medical errors that may lead to legal and ethical issues. Additionally, the research provides an analysis of religious fatwas that define the limits and legality of these procedures and highlights the challenges faced by Yemeni society in the absence of specific legal regulations for these practices. The aim of the research is to provide a comprehensive and balanced perspective that combines a precise understanding of scientific progress with adherence to legal and religious frameworks to ensure societal safety.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Sawsan Saleh Ahmed Awad Al-Hadrami, Taiz University

    Assistant Professor of Civil Law, Taiz University


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How to Cite

Al-Hadrami, D. S. S. A. A. (2016). Doctor’s Responsibility in Artificial Insemination. Queen Arwa University Journal, 16(16), 183-215.


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