The Algerian Revolution in Contemporary Yemeni Poetry

On the occasion of Tlemcen, Capital of Islamic Culture 2011, to gather the threads of light between Yemen and Algeria.




Yemen , Algeria , literature , poetry


Towards cultural communication between Yemen and Algeria
We shed light through this lengthy cultural paper on the subject of Algeria in contemporary Yemeni poetry, pointing out in this context that the collection of poems that dealt with Algeria as a subject or as a reference and documenting them for fear of concealment and loss here comes for the first time, as no researcher has yet undertaken, within the limits of my knowledge, such a task. We hope that it will be a nucleus for academic and university research and literary studies with our students studying in Algeria specifically. And explaining the positions of the Yemeni poets towards the liberation revolution, and that they were not isolated from the issues of the Arab nation despite their falling within the cultural margin as an environment from the beginning of the last century until the period after the Yemeni revolutions in 1948 with the fall of the Imam Yahya regime, and in 1962 with the establishment of the republican regime, and in 1963 with the British colonialists In southern Yemen, in addition, and it is most important, to strengthen the creative, cultural, poetic, knowledge communication between the Arab East and its West through poetry as the secret thread that makes meeting possible between the parties because it naturally penetrates the barriers of politics and systems of ideologies, and the fanaticism of tribes, by bringing together the threads 'threads of light' , Between Algeria and Yemen in view of the common past and the inspiring present of the Algerian revolution, not only for Yemen, but also for the Arab world.
But before that, we must test the issue of the Arab East and Maghreb briefly through the concept of: the cultural center and surroundings for creativity as a whole and poetry in particular.


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How to Cite

Al-Kibsi, D. A. (2011). The Algerian Revolution in Contemporary Yemeni Poetry: On the occasion of Tlemcen, Capital of Islamic Culture 2011, to gather the threads of light between Yemen and Algeria. Queen Arwa University Journal, 6(6), 33.


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