Sharia and legal controls for commercial advertising in Yemeni law


  • Haleya Saleh Hussein Al-Hanash Queen Arwa University image/svg+xml Author



Commercial Advertising , Legal Regulation of Advertising , Consumer Behavior and Advertising


The study examines the concept of commercial advertising, its objectives, and key characteristics, along with the Sharia and legal controls governing such advertisements under Yemeni law. Utilizing the descriptive-analytical method, the study explores the legal and Sharia controls related to commercial advertising, and employs the inductive method to review scholars' perspectives on the concept and forms of commercial advertising to establish a comprehensive definition. The study outlines the various types and forms of advertisements in the market and discusses their effectiveness and impact on consumer behavior and preferences, emphasizing their effects on ethical, moral, and religious values within society. The study also presents an overview of the legal framework for commercial advertisements in Yemen and compares it with the regulations of other countries, while discussing the advertising prohibitions outlined in Yemeni law and the legal liability for misleading advertisements that affect consumers. The study concludes with key recommendations for establishing specialized regulatory bodies consisting of experts in Sharia, media, and marketing to monitor and correct commercial advertisements, ensuring their compliance with Sharia, legal, and ethical standards.


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Author Biography

  • Haleya Saleh Hussein Al-Hanash, Queen Arwa University

     Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Queen Arwa University


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How to Cite

Al-Hanash, H. S. H. (2024). Sharia and legal controls for commercial advertising in Yemeni law. Queen Arwa University Journal, 27(27), 9.


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