How Were the Attitudes of Education Students at Sana'a University Towards Women's Education in Yemeni Society in the Early 1990s




Women's Education , Societal Attitudes , Sana'a University


The issue of women's education in Yemen is one of the important issues that has received increasing attention over the past decades. In the early 1990s, Yemen witnessed a significant shift in societal attitudes towards women's education, as traditional ideas began to transform towards broader acceptance of women's participation in educational life. This research aims to explore the attitudes of students at the College of Education at Sana'a University towards women's education during that period, focusing on factors influencing these attitudes such as the social, cultural, and religious backgrounds of the students. The study relied on a field research methodology by distributing questionnaires to a sample of students and analyzing the results using appropriate statistical methods. The results showed that there is a variation in attitudes among students according to variables such as gender, educational level, and cultural background. The study concluded that raising awareness about the importance of women's education and its role in societal development can significantly contribute to changing the negative perception among some social groups.


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Waheeba G. Fare’e Al-Fakih, Queen Arwa University

    Professor of Educational Planning and Development, Foundations of Education and Administration, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Queen Arwa University, and Former Minister of State for Human Rights.


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How to Cite

Al-Fakih, P. W. G. F. . (2006). How Were the Attitudes of Education Students at Sana’a University Towards Women’s Education in Yemeni Society in the Early 1990s. Queen Arwa University Journal, 2(2), 53.


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