The effect of hypoxic training on some physiological and physical variables and the level of digital achievement in the 400 m freestyle race.




Hypoxic exercises , Physiological variables , 400 meter freestyle race


This research aims to identify the effect of hypoxic training on some physiological and physical variables and the level of digital achievement for the 400-meter freestyle race. The research sample included 10 of some of the Hodeidah University’s college team team runners for the academic year 2017/2018 from athletics students who were chosen intentionally. The researcher used... Experimental approach.
The results showed that the training program that was conducted using hypoxic exercises led to the development of the special physiological abilities of the members of the research sample.
Thus, the validity of the second hypothesis, which states:
“There are statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-measurements of the experimental group in the physiological variables (pulse, vital capacity, respiratory cyclic endurance) in favor of the post-measurement. The researcher attributes the reason for this to the effect of the proposed training program using hypoxic exercises, and Adel Helmy Shehata, 1994, agrees with that.” M (10), Ashraf Al-Sayyid Suleiman 1995 (6) The proposed training program for them had an impact on the level of digital achievement among the research sample.
Thus, it has been possible to verify the validity of the third hypothesis, which states: “There are statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-measurements of the experimental group at the digital level of the 400-meter race. In favor of the post-measurement.”


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Essam A. Al-Marouai, Sana'a University

    Associate Professor, Department of Athletics, College of Sports Education, Sana'a University


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How to Cite

Al-Marouai, P. E. A. . (2024). The effect of hypoxic training on some physiological and physical variables and the level of digital achievement in the 400 m freestyle race. Queen Arwa University Journal, 21(21), 23.


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