The Impact of the Multiplicity of Purchasing Power of the National Currency on Accounting Measurement and Disclosure

A Field Study on Exchange Companies in the Capital Municipality of Sana'a




Multiplicity of purchasing power , Accounting measurement , Accounting disclosure


This study addressed the phenomenon of having more than one exchange rate for the national currency and aimed to identify the reality of the purchasing power of the national currency and its issues. It also aimed to identify the main obstacles faced by accountants when performing their tasks in light of the multiplicity of purchasing power. The study hypothesized a statistically significant effect at the 0.05% level between the multiplicity of purchasing power and the accounting measurement process, as well as between the multiplicity of purchasing power and the accounting disclosure process. The study found that the multiplicity of purchasing power has a significant impact on accounting measurement and disclosure, with a high degree of agreement for the independent variable (multiplicity of purchasing power). Measurement came first, followed by disclosure, indicating a clear influence of the multiplicity of purchasing power on accounting processes. Based on these results, the study recommended the unification of the national currency's purchasing power to improve the accuracy of accounting disclosures and enhance confidence in financial reports.


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Author Biography

  • Yassin S. M. Ali, Queen Arwa University

    Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, College of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Queen Arwa University


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How to Cite

Ali, Y. S. M. (2023). The Impact of the Multiplicity of Purchasing Power of the National Currency on Accounting Measurement and Disclosure: A Field Study on Exchange Companies in the Capital Municipality of Sana’a. Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 29.

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