Architectural Styles and Ancient Techniques in the Buildings of Al-Dolmau Fortress in Al-Silw District - Taiz Governorate

An Architectural Archaeological Study




Architectural styles , Al-Dolmau Fortress , Ancient construction techniques


Al-Dolmau fortress located in Al-Silw District, Taiz Governorate in the Republic of Yemen, is one of the Yemeni forts that have been in use for a long period, starting from the ancient era (before Islam) until the nineteenth century AD. The ruins of its buildings still retain many details that tell a long history, as the fortress has never been forcibly taken according to historical accounts. The fort was an important administrative and military center for the Ma'afer region, overlooking the trade route coming from Aden through Lahj and Tur Al-Baha to reach Al-Janad. The fortress held military significance due to its topographical nature, allowing it to oversee vast areas of the surrounding regions. This study documents the architectural remains of this fortress due to its location in the war zones in Yemen. The study includes a detailed description of the roads leading to the fortress, the ancient walls and gates, in addition to the water and residential structures, highlighting the architectural techniques used in them.


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Author Biography

  • Sami Sh. Al-Shehab, Queen Arwa University

    Researcher and academic, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Arwa University.


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How to Cite

Al-Shehab, S. S. (2023). Architectural Styles and Ancient Techniques in the Buildings of Al-Dolmau Fortress in Al-Silw District - Taiz Governorate: An Architectural Archaeological Study. Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 18.


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