Methods of Acquiring Nationality in Yemeni Law

A Critical Analytical Study




Yemeni Nationality Law , Methods of Acquiring Nationality , Original Nationality


Nationality is defined as a political and legal bond between the individual and the state, regulated by domestic law. The Yemeni Nationality Law No. (6) of 1990 and its amendments regulate the methods of acquiring nationality, including original nationality and nationality acquired through grants and mixed marriage. This research discusses the key legal texts related to the regulation of nationality in Yemeni law and highlights several shortcomings, including defects in the technical formulation of legal texts as well as substantive issues. Among the most important proposals and recommendations to address these issues is the cancellation of the first case of granting nationality from the law, which pertains to those born abroad to a Yemeni mother and an unknown or stateless father, as this case is covered under the regulation of original nationality. This study is of significant importance both nationally and internationally, as it analyzes and critiques the legal framework of Yemeni nationality and offers proposals to address legislative shortcomings in this area.



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Author Biography

  • Loei Tharesh Noman, University of Aden

    Associate Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Aden
    Phone: +967733539823


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How to Cite

Noman, L. T. (2023). Methods of Acquiring Nationality in Yemeni Law: A Critical Analytical Study. Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 11.


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