The natural tourism potentials in Hajjah Governorate in the Republic of Yemen


  • Dr. Nabila Ali Ahmed Al-Sunini Queen Arwa University image/svg+xml Author



Tourism in Yemen , Hajjah Governorate , Republic of Yemen , Archaeological sites


The research talk about the tourism potential natural in Hajjah Governorate which made it a tourist area, and that can contribute in enhancing the national economy, and to become tourist destination at the local and Arab World. The research aims to discuss the most important factors or results that attract tourist in the Governorate.

The most important findings are Hajjah Governorate collected between mountain, valley, plain, and coast, and also its climate is moderate throughout the year. The Presumption of Tom indicated that, the individuals feel the perfect comfort and feel ratio comfort  throughout the year.


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How to Cite

Al-Sunini, D. N. A. A. (2013). The natural tourism potentials in Hajjah Governorate in the Republic of Yemen. Queen Arwa University Journal, 11(11), 19.


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