Measuring customer satisfaction with the services provided by Yemeni banks

A field study on Yemeni commercial banks




customer satisfaction , Banking services , Yemeni banks


Marketing activity is of great importance in the field of banking business, and that any success of any bank in achieving its objectives depends on the extent to which it adopts the concept of modern marketing in directing its business, evaluating its services, and drawing marketing policies according to the desires and needs of current and prospective customers. Customers, and services have become an important role in the life of society and contribute to their well-being and stability and achieve care and satisfaction for them, and the marketing of services, especially the marketing of banking services, has become of great importance to the economies of most countries, because the rate of growth in national production and new projects, as well as workers, can increase as a result of contributions The many inexpensive services, as well as the role played by banks, especially in the process of economic and social development and in financing projects, by taking savings and directing them to investments in order to achieve economic and social development and necessary requirements for development and development and a pillar of international trade and political activities, and banks that provide services must To prepare the service and direct it in a special and distinctive manner in order to attract the attention of customers. Banks must clearly identify the needs and desires of customers, the services provided by banks, and the methods used to influence the behavior of the customer is not only the responsibility of the employee who has a direct or indirect relationship. Therefore, the responsibility of customer satisfaction is considered a responsibility. Collective for all bank employees.


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How to Cite

Al-Sadmi, D. M. (2020). Measuring customer satisfaction with the services provided by Yemeni banks: A field study on Yemeni commercial banks. Queen Arwa University Journal, 24(24), 26.


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