The Financial Market and Economic Financial and Administrative Reform
Economic reform , Financial market , Effective administrationAbstract
This research explores the relationship between economic and administrative reform and the importance of management in enhancing the national economy. It emphasizes that effective and disciplined administration is fundamental to achieving economic growth and prosperity. The study focuses on the reform experiences in Yemen, where financial and administrative reform programs began in the mid-1990s. It addresses the pillars of financial and administrative reform in Yemen, outlining the principles these programs relied on to achieve efficiency and productivity. Additionally, the research highlights the role of the financial market as a means to support the economic system, explaining how economic transformations can be achieved through an active financial market. The study discusses the challenges facing the reforms, such as administrative corruption and legislative deficiencies, emphasizing the need to activate oversight tools and enhance employee capabilities to achieve positive outcomes. It also examines the impact of reforms on economic, social, and political development in Yemen, and how investments can be boosted and the economy stimulated through effective financial and administrative policies. The research underscores the importance of continuous evaluation of the reforms to determine the extent to which the desired objectives are achieved and their impact on overall economic growth.
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