The impact of applying governance rules on oversight of cooperative insurance companies


  • Mohamed Khemiss Benredjem Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University image/svg+xml Author



Corporate Governance , Cooperative insurance companies , Agency parties


In the midst of globalization and free trade, corporate governance has become a key factor in maximizing corporate performance and minimizing risk. Corporate governance plays a significant role in organizations, including cooperative insurance companies, due to its ethical dimensions in commercial transactions. This research aims to shed light on the role of management authority in supervising cooperative insurance companies, which have become a strong competitor to commercial insurance companies and an effective tool in national economic development. The problem this paper investigates is: What impact does good management, known as governance, have on achieving the goals of cooperative insurance companies? We will discuss the following main topics: the concept of corporate governance, the importance and objectives of corporate governance, determinants and standards of governance, principles and mechanisms of governance in cooperative insurance companies, and the impact of governance as a control system on cooperative insurance companies.

The impact of applying governance rules on oversight of cooperative insurance companies


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Author Biography

  • Mohamed Khemiss Benredjem, Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University

    Lecturer and Dean of the College of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences
    Mohamed Sharif University Assistants, Souk Ahras - Algeria


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How to Cite

Benredjem, . M. K. . (2014). The impact of applying governance rules on oversight of cooperative insurance companies. Queen Arwa University Journal, 13(13), 39-60.


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