Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Yemen and the Quality of Education They Provide


  • Prof. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Khayyat Queen Arwa University image/svg+xml Author




Higher Education , Educational Quality , Education in Yemen


This study discusses the reality of higher education institutions in Yemen and their ability to provide the required quality education. The research begins by presenting the problems and challenges facing higher education since its inception, focusing on the differences between public and private education. The study addresses the standards of quality education and how to achieve them in educational institutions, with an evaluation of the efforts made to improve the quality of education. The study outlines the goals that higher education in Yemen aims to achieve and the extent to which they are realized, highlighting major challenges such as lack of funding and qualified personnel, and the mismatch between educational outputs and market needs. The research also includes an analysis of the policies and strategies implemented in higher education, highlighting existing gaps and ways to address them. The study concludes with recommendations to enhance the quality of higher education and ensure its sustainability, including promoting scientific research, developing educational infrastructure, and increasing collaboration between educational institutions and the private sector.


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Khayyat, Queen Arwa University

    Professor of Anthropology (the study of humans), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, President of Queen Arwa University.


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How to Cite

Al-Khayyat, P. M. A. (2005). Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Yemen and the Quality of Education They Provide. Queen Arwa University Journal, 1(1), 35. https://doi.org/10.58963/qausrj.v1i1.7


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