The legal organization of the international employee and his place in the law of international organizations




Legal regulation , international employee , Law of international organizations


With the development of the role of the international organizations, the status of the international officer has been raised, and his legal position has become  clear. All problems which beset  his relevant  terminologies  have been eliminated.  

The international officer   also has  a group of rights and duties  towards the organization in which he works. This is determined in the legal system of the officers,  the executive regulation or  deeds of employment  which demand  the rights.   The international officer may also be faced with disciplinary liability in case he  violates  the duties of his post.



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How to Cite

Al-Araji, D. M. H. (2014). The legal organization of the international employee and his place in the law of international organizations. Queen Arwa University Journal, 10(10), 11.


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