The extent to which Algerian joint-stock companies adhere to the principles of governance


  • Dr.Hawam Gomaa Author
  • Ms. Fadawi Amina Badji Mokhtar University image/svg+xml Author



principles of corporate governance , control , joint stock companies


This study aimed to identify the reality of governance and the commitment of  Algerian companies to the principles of governance issued by OECD, emphasized the importance of corporate governance principles in supporting the Algerian economic performance  as it serves as a reference point can be used by  policy makers in order to set legal and regulatory frameworks for corporate governance practices , To achieve the objectives of this study, we designed a questionnaire addressed to professionals , board members, governors of the accounts, shareholders and investors, agents of the banks, tax administration and workers. This sample has been selected sample from different groups at random so that the total size (80), and the questionnaire was distributed to all members of the sample directly, and after the screening process and tab was retained (50) questionnaire of the total, to represent the study sample and after exclusion of the rest of the questionnaires  which accounted for (30), some  were excluded for lack of or conflicts of  answers. We used  descriptive and constructive statistical analysis to describe and analyze the data and test the hypotheses.

This study concluded that companies in Algeria are still suffering from a large deficit in the application of the principles of corporate governance, due  to the delay in adopting this concept by the government . In addition, lack of awareness among professionals and the understanding of the principles of corporate governance and the need to respect them.


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How to Cite

Gomaa, D., & Amina, M. F. (2012). The extent to which Algerian joint-stock companies adhere to the principles of governance. Queen Arwa University Journal, 8(8), 22.


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