Humanitarian Intervention and the Problem of the Principle of Non-Intervention in the Internal Affairs of States




Humanitarian Intervention , Principle of Non-Intervention , International Law


This study addresses the contradictions between the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of states and the concept of humanitarian intervention and its impact on this principle. The research reflects the effects of international transformations, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dominance of the United States over international affairs, leading to the loss of maneuvering margins for small states. This dominance has influenced many legal concepts and fundamental principles in international law, such as the principle of non-intervention. The study highlights the legitimacy of humanitarian intervention, the views of international jurisprudence, and the stance of states on it, with a focus on the use of military force. Through a descriptive-analytical approach, the research presents the historical developments of the concept of humanitarian intervention, the jurisprudential contradictions around it, and the legitimate cases of intervention according to international law. The study aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the legal and practical aspects of this principle, highlighting the challenges facing states in adapting to international changes and avoiding external interventions.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Nabil Ghalib Al-Zaitri, Hodeidah University

    Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Organizations, Head of the Public Law Department, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Hodeidah University.


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How to Cite

Al-Zaitri, D. N. G. (2015). Humanitarian Intervention and the Problem of the Principle of Non-Intervention in the Internal Affairs of States. Queen Arwa University Journal, 15(15), 79-99.


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