The Social Thought of Imam Yahya Bin Hamza Al-Alawi (1270-1348)

Socio-Intellectual Reading




Social Thought , Imam Yahya bin Hamza Al-Alawi , Social Reform


The study aims at reading and analyzing Imam Yahyia Bin Hamza Al-Alawi 's social thought (1348-1270). The study also aims at examining the positions and influence of these social thoughts on the history of Arab Islamic social thought.

     To achieve these goals, the study identifies and analyses the intellectual foundations and the social, political and historical environment that motivates and influenced the emergence of the social thought of Imam Yahyia Bin Hamza Al-Alawi and classifies his issues, and shows his vision for social and intellectual reform.

     The study also shows the role of both the intellectual and knowledge formation of Imam Al-Alawi and his intellectual, social and political practices along with the socio-political complicated Yemeni reality at that time on the growth of Imam Al-Alawi's social thought.

     The study explains the link between the issues and problems that fall within the circle of the thinking and thought of Imam Yahya Al-Alawi and those contained in the thinking and thought of the society proving its social character and its relevance to the Yemeni social reality.


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Author Biography

  • Prof. Saad Ibrahim Al-Alawi, Sana'a University

    Associate Professor of the History of Ideas, Dean of the College of Education, Arhab, Sana’a University


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How to Cite

Al-Alawi, P. . S. I. . (2018). The Social Thought of Imam Yahya Bin Hamza Al-Alawi (1270-1348): Socio-Intellectual Reading. Queen Arwa University Journal, 20(20), 207-224.


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