Legal Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution

An Analytical Study According to National and International Legislation




Marine Environment , Marine Pollution , Legal Protection


The pollution of the aquatic environment is one of the major global problems that have preoccupied governments and countries around the world. States play a vital role in setting legal rules and taking necessary measures to protect the marine environment from pollution. There are several sources of marine pollution, such as waste disposal from ships, oil spills, industrial discharges, radioactive pollution, sewage waste, and garbage. Due to the severe damage caused by marine pollution, regional and international conventions, as well as national legislations, have criminalized it. The marine environment holds great importance as it constitutes a fundamental source of human life and plays a crucial role in global ecological balance. Therefore, any pollution occurring in this environment leads to disastrous results for humans and other living creatures. States must take all necessary legal measures to preserve and protect the marine environment from pollution through national and international laws and legislations. This study aims to analyze national and international legislation related to the protection of the marine environment and provide recommendations to improve the effectiveness of these legislations in addressing increasing environmental challenges.



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Author Biography

  • Ahmed M. Manea, University of Aden

    Assistant Professor of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Aden
    Phone: +967735374937


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How to Cite

Manea, A. M. (2023). Legal Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution: An Analytical Study According to National and International Legislation. Queen Arwa University Journal, 26(26), 14.


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