The role of administrative leadership in managing change and reducing resistance to it




Administrative leadership , the management of change , Strategic management


he contemporary business environment is witnessing a number of technological changes and developments, a great expansion of globalization, increasing intensity of competition, a change in the tastes and demands of customers, as well as the obsolescence of some administrative concepts and methods, which has produced a lot of turmoil and complications for business organizations.
Considering the organization is an open system, this creates a strong need to adapt to this environment, take advantage of its opportunities and advantages, and avoid risks and threats, by introducing some modifications to its strategy, organizational structure, and even its culture to ensure survival, continuity, and the ability to compete through implementing and managing change programs. Successfully.
Successfully implementing the change process requires the presence of competent leaders who can direct individuals' efforts towards understanding and adapting to change, and helping individuals achieve their desired goals. This can only be achieved by the presence of effective administrative leadership capable of undertaking change management tasks to ensure that all problems are properly addressed during the stages of the change process in the organization, and to deal with employees in a way that would achieve their ambitions and motivate them to make the various change programs successful.
However, individuals and groups within the organization often tend to resist change, due to the lack of trust among the organization’s members, and their failure to accept the idea that the change will be for the benefit of the organization. They view it as a transition from a state of stability and balance to another turbulent state. Therefore, leaders must know the most important reasons leading to change. To resist change and the forms it takes and to define them precisely to make it easier to deal with.


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How to Cite

Laour, D. F. (2014). The role of administrative leadership in managing change and reducing resistance to it. Queen Arwa University Journal, 12(12), 17.


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