The crime of aiding the enemy in Yemeni legislation

comparative research


  • Prof. Saad Ibrahim Al-Adhami Queen Arwa University  image/svg+xml Author



State security crimes , National treason , Yemeni legislation


The research deals with the explanation of the crime of aiding the enemy stipulated in Article (127) of the Yemeni Crimes and Penal Code No. (12) for the year 1994 AD in its three paragraphs. Where the legislator collected three serious crimes from the crimes against the external security of the state and put them under one title he called (helping the enemy). Because of the importance of such crimes and their image and provisions must be clarified, we paid attention to their statement and interpretation in three investigations.
The first topic dealt with the crime stipulated in paragraph (1) of the same article, which is the crime of joining the Yemeni armed forces in any way in the event of
war with the Republic. As for the second topic, we talked about the crime of handing over a member of the armed forces to the enemy or helping one of his captives to return to his ranks. The third and final topic in this research talks about the crime of supplying the enemy with soldiers, people, money, or whoever guides him.


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How to Cite

Al-Adhami, P. S. I. . (2013). The crime of aiding the enemy in Yemeni legislation: comparative research. Queen Arwa University Journal, 11(11), 18.


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